- I always love and adore Kireei’s Advent: Take a peak at 3rd Dec, a heart wreath and 4th Dec, a wall tree.
- You have got to be following Lilla A’s Advent Calendar… fun crafty ideas every single day… just beautifully done!!!
- The Activity Village has a brilliant Advent Calendar – a coloring page, a craft, a quick Christmas video every day… very sweet!!!
- Christmas Around the World… drawn by Sheila Cartwright is just brilliant!!!
- Head Heart Hand has a Great Counseling Challenge for 2012… A Fabulous list to think about and mentally prepare for talking with folk who cross your path… Can’t wait for a list of resources to follow!!! And he had one of the best link posts I’ve seen this year… packed with readables.
- Tim Challies had a brilliant post on The Public Reading of Scripture. One of our kids has been reading in Church for a couple of years and he loves to read in church. This post was just a brilliant encouragement to him.
- Love the Space You Are In… on Apartment Therapy this week. With all the cataloging and Pinterest eye candy it is easy to want more – this post’s title says it all… Love the Space you are in – Yes and Yes again!!!
- Twitters Best Tweets of 2011 was an interesting read… “My daughter her name is sarah m. rivera” brought tears to my eyes… Amazing tale!!!
- Mommy Labs’ Art Party is just too adorable for words!!!
- This week on Org Junkie’s 52 Weeks we are at Week 48: Time to Organize With My New App.
And the se7en+1th Thing: If you feel like organizing!!!
Our first project of the week was to clean out the pool – surely summer would eventually arrive… And so the process of sweep and scrub and the transformation from frog green to blue has been begun… And aren’t we all so glad… because we have just had two sweltering days in a row and finally finally we feel like it is summer…

Wow a month to go… until the 52 weeks are done. We decided to take stock and do a whole house/garden clean up, all in one day – lovely treat, a totally tidy house from the gat to the back fence!!!

Then we just went room by room until we were done…

Clearing all the surfaces…

And getting all the bits and pieces of toys back where they belong… No wandering zooms, no Lego on patrol… just everything back at base.

Even cleared the clutter dumped at the front door…

And the lounge will never be tidy – computer clutter reigns… but all the mountains of books and the couches were cleared of endless blankets and well just endless…

Even the kitchen had a spruce up…

And then we rewarded ourselves by finally tackling our pallet project – don’t die of excitement but it is exactly what we needed…

Sanding, sanding, sanding…

And then we put it under the jungle gym… and all grottiness that the neighborhood cats were finding way too appealing… and I would have to do a mad dash and clean up before anyone could ever play there,,, is now a thing of the past and the kids have played and played and played on the jungle gym… They camp out, they read out, they hang out… Just lovely!!!

Meanwhile, I would love if you found some inspiration in our Complete Christmas Guide:

That’s us! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!!
Wow you got summer, and we have almost zero temperatures and horizontal rain. Brr. Wish we could have a swim in your pool instead. Thanks for mentioning our Calender!
Hay Lilla A, I absolutely love your Advent Calendar!!! And summer has finally arrived – two days of sunshine!!! Loving it!!! It has been a bit of a long lingering winter!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!!