I know, it is very quiet over here on our blog… Our last week of school, give or take a few assignments, having to get a move on with the sketchbook for Arthouse and the Father Person has booked us up for far too many things this weekend and there is no time to breathe let alone go on the internet. Honestly, I wasn’t looking forward to any of it but I have discovered with an attitude adjustment I can actually get through it with joy!!! I have three almost finished posts waiting for you in the wings, I decided to hang on to them for next week – which means next week will be a great week for blogging!!! And in the meantime here is a Bumper Edition of links for you. This post is just like my week: An eclectic mix … and lots of it!!! There has to be something for everyone to like in here!!! And Happy Weekend to you all.

- My favorite favorite post of the week… Loved it: Using Pinterest to Find and Organize Ideas for Your Family (Plus a List of Folks to Follow!!!) on Simple Kids. I especially loved the list of folks to follow, loved that we were on it, loved that the number of folk following us on Pinterest doubled after this post was published!!!
- And Simple Organic had 10 Simple Ways to clean up your diet.
- I loved and adored this crafty cleverness on Bloesom Kids this week: Project #81 Mini-Stamp Collecting Book. Seriously, if you click nothing else then click this one…
- This post is one of those epic lights of brilliance posts: The Most Common Cooking Mistakes, Learn How to Avoid these for Success Every Time. On Cooking Light. So much to learn here, I keep going back to it for a little read!!!
- This post on Spatula Magazine: 10 Tips for a Healthily Exciting Office Lunch Box. Brilliant and so doable!!!
- I just loved this post on the Kitchn this week: 10 Easy Ways to Eat More Vegetables Every Day.
- This post on Naturally Knocked Up on What You Should (and Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Has Lost A Baby, was so timeous as I sobbed my way through a memorial service last week for the lost child of friends of ours. I really liked the practical suggestions packed into this post.
- Folks are writing beautiful letters to their sons on InCourage and their daughters on the Diaper Diaries…
- The reason I will never be a great author is quite simple – I live in the wrong sort of house. Take a peak at these famous author homes on Writers Write.
- And it wouldn’t be a Friday Post without more than one great Pinterest Post. Here’s a fun one from Wizzley.com: How to get pinned at Pinterest…
- CopyBlogger had a fabulous Round-Up of goodies to read this week… loved it!!!
- Creative Jewish Mom’s Craft Schooling Sunday is Back!!! Gotta say the internet was quiet without it!!!
- The post of the week has to be this one on Kireei: Barquitos Hechos con Telas… I love and adore Kireei and to be featured this week simply made me the happiest blogger of all time!!!
And Finally:
- And I just love this Link-Up Pin It Friday on Five Minutes For Mom… Pin up your favorite pins of the week… pop over and see what my favorite pin is… A seriously messy one !!!
That’s Us – Hope you all have a fabulous fun week!!!
Wonderful roundup. Lovely links you are sharing. Thanks. 😉
Glad you liked them Carolyn!!! Have a great week!!!