Sunday Snippet: Silent Stars Speak – A GiveAway.

We have another fun GiveAway for you this week, gather up your thinking caps because you are going to need them!!! DayOne Publications have brought out another fabulous activity book:


This is a book that provides a whole heap of information about the Universe without pages and pages of notes… Oh no, this book is cleverer than that!!! It is packed with quizzes and little facts and puzzles and mindbenders. As you play your way through the book you cannot help but learn about the universe and all that is in it!!! There is a chapter on planets, constellations, comets and what about the Christmas Star – was it really a star or not. And so much more. It really makes an interesting read!!!


There are a few strategically placed information blocks but most of the information is cleverly presented for you to discover…

At first glance it is all black and white, no snappy color… but then you discover the reader provides the color!!! There are coloring instructions and places to draw through out the book and a double page of colorful stickers in the center.


This book is not a trivial book and my pre-schoolers would find it too difficult without help, but my beginner readers in Grade 1 and 2 would so love it, so much so that I didn’t leave it lying around. The book requires quite a bit of searching through the Bible for verses to discover the answers and would make a great Bible Study book for these guys, and once they had finished filling it in they would have a fabulous reference book. My older students vanished and read it from cover to cover as well and I think given the chance they would have filled it in themselves!!!


I thought I would ask you Se7en + 1 quick questions from the book:

  1. How Fast Does the Earth Spin Each Hour?
  2. Is a day on Venus shorter or longer than a day on earth?
  3. How long at the most does an eclipse of the sun last?
  4. What is it called when two planets draw so close to each other that they produce one brilliant light?
  5. How long is Haley’s Comet’s vapor trail?
  6. Hale Bopp is a comet that was seen in 1997 and previously 4026 years ago, in the time of which great biblical father?
  7. What is another name for the dog star?
  8. And the se7en + 1th question:

  9. Why can’t we feel the earth spin?

Just thought you might like a morning quiz, no pressure!!! You certainly don’t have to answer to enter… the quiz is just for fun!!! I will pop the answers up with the GiveAway Winner next week… Otherwise this GiveAway works in the usual way, comment before the end of this coming Sunday, 12 February 2012, and we will draw and publish the winners next week! – I won’t respond to your comments as I do on our other posts because I don’t want to be included in our own giveaway.

As usual I have to thank CBD, our GiveAway book suppliers of more great books.


Our GiveAways are open to everyone: If you have won a GiveAway before never fear – enter away. If you live on the far side of the world – enter away. Postage takes forever from here but eventually it should get to you! Good luck and get commenting!!!

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30 Replies to “Sunday Snippet: Silent Stars Speak – A GiveAway.”

  1. wow – looks great. Have a 7 yr old who just got a telescope and is fascinated by all things astronomy!!

  2. Mmmm…. seems we need the book to answer all these questions. Thanks seven for another great book. We would love to stand a chance to win.

  3. This looks like a great book! I hope we win, but I might have to buy the book myself if we don’t — my boys would LOVE this.
    Christine (Ontario, Canada)

  4. This looks awesome! Every time you post a give away I just head over to Amazon and put it on my wishlist.

  5. This looks like a great book to explore! My younger son loves to work through these kinds of books. Thanks!

  6. Well, the dog star is Sirius. The rest, not so sure, but I could ask a couple great minds around here…

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