We are in the midst of Birthday Season one here… and so Happy Birthday to Hood #4, who somehow turned nine over night…

I would guess this guy is most famous for his many, many disguises…

And you can see why. Bugsy Malone is a way of life…

But he does break out and become… mr potato head sometimes…

A professing pirate…

A renowned traveller…

He is a fabulous friend…

Through thick and thin…

Even swimming in mid-winter, because his brother wants to…

Drumming is his thing…

So is anything sporty…

Rock-surfing.. no problem…

He is a wild artist…

He is our champion player… and brings new meaning to “play.” He plays and plays and plays… he will in fact forgo food for playing…

He is our champion feather finder… he finds them everywhere…

And nature collector…

And at finding small spaces he is tops!!!

He can be really serious…

He loves cooking… but who doesn’t around here!!!

The ultimate Mr. Incognito…

The cutest hair on earth…

A wandering soul…

The fiercest tiger…

My champion brown eyed boy…

He has always been great at hiding away…

And really really funny!!!

He has always been a champion sleeper and I am so grateful to have had one!!!

Hay sweet boy, I hope nine is just packed with heaps of adventures… many more disguises and masses of adventures!!!
Happy Birthday, Hood#4. May your creativity grow!Much love from all of us!
HAPPY Birthday #4. 9 already, wow, how time flies. May he never lose the adventurous spirit 🙂
Happy Birthday to Hood#4! May the year be Blessed 🙂 x
Thank-you Aunty Muffin!!!
Thank you Irene, what a mad hat we have!!! Hope you have a great week!!!
Thank you Lopke D, So kind of you to stop by!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!!
Happy 9th birthday! That cake at the top looks terrific 🙂
Happy belated birthday to a very special 9 year old! I hope he had a wonderful day yesterday. Sending a big hug for him!
Thanks Zoe… Yeah sister has become dedicated cake maker – she’s fab it it!!! Hope you are having a great day!!!
Thank you Sue… So good to hear from you… it has been very quiet from your part of the world and I hope every thing is going well with you!!! lots of love from Cape Town!!!
What a handsome fellow! Wow, nine, have we known you that long?!!! Happy birthday #4 from all of us.
Hay Mary T… Isn’t it amazing how fast it has been!!! Hope you guys do something fun this weekend!!!
Wow! Happy belated birthday. I hope you had a fantastic birthday, Hood #4. Always like to see your latest get-ups!
Dear Hood #4, happy happy birthday! May there be many more spy games and sports games and feathers and disguises! Hope the year to come is super duper, and that we get to come and visit before you turn 10! Much love and many happy birthdays from all of us!
THanks Cheryl!!! He had a great day – full of fun!!! Do your kids get a summer break from school now? Hope your weekend is fabulous – the end is in sight!!!
Thank you Corli… There is a certain Hood that would so love to see you before she turns twelve!!! There is only one word for it: verlang!!! Lots of lekker love!!!
Love seeing him and his brother together all the time 🙂
K is also a champion feather collector!!!
Oh Marcia, Every family needs a feather collector!!! Hope you have a fabulous Friday!!!