Se7en’s Celebrities: Matt Allison of Curate this Space…

It is a tradition during the month of our Blogaversary to ask a couple of our favorite bloggers for a list of Se7en + 1 “anythings…” Things they love or things they loathe!!! Best books, best blogs, things you love about blogging, best outings, best ice-cream flavors, places to visit, best foods, fun traditions, habits, kid stuff you still enjoy, summer fun, winter fun, even se7en +1 favorite words – whatever they like…

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Meet Matt Allison of Curate this Space… You have met him on our blog before… When we went to visit his urban garden.

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And here is his list:

  1. I’m a stay-at-home-dad and all round creative thing doer. I’m privileged to be raising the cutest little boy, Nathan, he’s 2yrs old and between us we get up to all kinds of creative mischief. His sister is due in September.
  2. I run a blog called curate this space, a catch all for my various creative endeavours, though largely focussing on lifestyle elements of design, decor and eco-living.
  3. I have a weekly radio slot on CCFm, Wednesday morning at 7.20am where we cover lifestyle and eco trends, 5 minutes of rapid fire ideas and how-to’s to engage in living a cleaner, greener life.
  4. I grow my own food, we grow over 40+ veggies and herbs at home and even more on various allotments around Cape Town. These provide markets, weekly veggie boxes and restaurants, some of which have their own kitchen gardens that I’ve designed and maintain. You can find out more at
  5. We have 3 chickens, much to the distain of our neighbours (though we’ve yet to have a formal complaint!), we collect the freshest eggs in the morning and share the excess with neighbours and family.
  6. I’m terrible at math, no really, I clearly missed something as a child and I’m thankful that I married an accountant who co-incendently is the best wife in the world (ok, I’m biased).
  7. I love cooking, I don’t find it a chore, it’s therapeutic, sadly the same can’t be said for washing or ironing.
  8. And 7th + 1

  9. I ignore social norms, showcased first hand by being a stay-at-home-dad. Parenting is tough, no matter your sex. Just love your family and they’ll love you back, it’s more precious than job offer and a far more fulfilling duty.

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Thank-you so much Matt, of Curate this Space for your fun list and for joining our Celebrity Fun!!!

4 Replies to “Se7en’s Celebrities: Matt Allison of Curate this Space…”

  1. Hi Tammy!!! Exactly!!! I am very good at the fun stuff… messing in the mud and reading books but… those chores never seem to get any easier!!!Hope you have had a fun weekend!!!

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