Firstly it is Friday… how on earth did that happen!!! Secondly it is September… How on EARTH did that happen… It has been a mad busy fun week over here… and I think I need a looong weekend!!! We could so do with a little bit of Spring… I am typing as the rain pounds down on the roof and the wind is battering away at the windows…

Anyway here are this weeks lovely links…
- For some crafty hat inspiration look no further than the lovely, lovely, lovely Handmade Charlotte’s hat collection…
- Design Mom had a fab post with everything to love about Fresh Produce… the photographs are so inspiring… you want to take a peep!!!
- If you are looking for some wonderful inspiration on Pinterest then you really want to follow Top twenty Moms on Pinterest Board. Lots and lots of good stuff… trust me on this!!!
- I loved this Birthday Letter on Lisa-Jo Baker’s tales from a Gypsy Mama. Sad, poignant, thought provoking and inspiring, got me wondering what would I write in a letter to my mum… what would I want her to know? More important: What would she want to hear from me?
- How is this post on Cape Malay Cooking on LandLopers… Oh how wonderful does that look I really think we need a project: Mastering local cuisine…
- Life your Way is running a new series on “Blogging Basics for Beginners.” The first post was about blogging terms and cutting through the Jargon.
- And Whip Up had a totally Kids Crafty Round-up on her site this week… lots of links you will need a coffee for this one!!!
- I have been updating some ancient posts on our site and here’s a real remember when… a series of recipes from our celebrity chef when he was three years old… I’d forgotten how small he was what a busy chef he was… nothing’s changed!!!
And the se7en + 1th thing…
And thank-you so much to Domestic Randommness for featuring us this week… what a fabulous surprise!!!

That’s us… Hope you have a fun weekend!!!