The Official term for Sonlighter’s receiving their school books for the year is “We Have Been Boxed…” well we were boxed twice, our order was split in two. Half our books arrived the one week and the other half the next… and we have been literally submerged in books ever since!!! Our box post is coming… but in the meantime I thought I would show you what we are dying to read. We have a house rule that you are not allowed to read books that haven’t been scheduled for you yet… So there is a lot of anticipation for books for the new school year to be read…

So here you go: Se7en + 1 Books We Are Dying to Read…:
Let’s begin with a book everyone wanted to read first:

This book is a large oversized picture book in Richard Platt’s “Diary Series” Oh everybody has poured over this book for hours!!! If you want to know about life in Rome then this is the book to read!!!
And now for the kids:

Hood #1: I remember reading these in high school… a mild mannered priest Father Brown solves a heap of mysteries… a collection of short stories. Very fun and so worth the read!!!

Hood #2: I can see why he is dying to read this one… a mysterious mystery and packed with all things Samurai. A quick glance at the first chapter and I realise I may have to read it quickly on the sly myself!!! Yes this book is going to be a favourite!!!

Hood #3: Oh Hood #3 is going to love this one, firstly it is about a girl in her age range and secondly there is drama… Liyana’s father decides to move the family to Palestine and she must give up everything she knows and loves and move to a world full of unknowns. How will she cope… with strength and dignity… Yup, Hood #3 is going to love this book.

Hood #4: He tells me this is a big read… four hundred and fifty three pages but my first three children read this book as it launched out the box… and waiting for it to be scheduled is killing him. I know this book has already inspired… there are great “secret” plans afoot (and endless shopping lists!!!) for an all day candy making experience. I love it when my kids are inspired to take action in the kitchen.

Hood #5: Gladys Aylward is one of our all time favourite missionaries to read about and how many days have my children spent re-enacting her epic journey over the mountains… I think he has finally arrived at the era of reading chapter books and he is so looking forward to reading this book himself!!!

Hood #6: This child is mesmerised by flying hamburgers and just can’t get enough of this book… we have read it and read it and read it but she asks for it every day. Clearly there is something magical about edible weather!!!

Hood #7: This little person likes chapter books… loves chapter books!!! And Milly Molly Mandy is just perfect for her… short sweet stories that we don’t mind reading again and again!!! Not to mention so many paper chains have been inspired by Milly Molly Mandy!!!
And the se7en + 1th Book:

Hood #8: I am so thrilled that my children love McCloskey… it provides me with hours and hours of reading his delightful stories and getting totally lost in his incredible illustrations!!! I hope I will be asked to read this book again and again for many years to come!!!
We love sonlight! We started core C this week with my youngest. When my older kids were young we covered core 3-7.
Hay Tracey… We have been using Sonlight for eleven or twelve years and I have to say every year just gets better… our boxes arrived last Monday and my kids were so excited we literally dived in and got started straightaway… It has been brilliant!!!
Oh the excitement of Box Day – Happy, Happy Box Day to all of you!!! And you got not one, but two of them!!! Yay!!! 🙂
I noticed in the catalog that Sonlight looks like they have added some great new books to the cores… I can’t wait until it’s time for us to order too!!! Oh, and Milly Molly Mandy is such a favorite with our daughters too – I have to say that I have caught our 10 & 13 year old girls listening in while reading it to the toddler, even after all these years. 🙂
I love your Sonlight posts – Can’t wait to read more here as you begin your school year!!!
Oh Karyn, It has been wonderful!!! And yes there are lots of lovely new books and little tweaks and features that are fabulous… my kids just dived in and whipped their files together – and school began with great enthusiasm!!! Definitely a couple of Sonlight posts up my sleeve!!! Hope you have a great weekend!!!
My son is also crazy about Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. I must have read it to him 300 times! This summer we found a book at a yard sale by the same author and illustrator that I had never heard of. It was called The Marshmallow Incident and he loved that as well.
Happy reading all!
Hay Amy… I cannot believe how this kidlet has read and re-read this book… clearly it speaks to the heart!!! I will have to look and see if we have The Marshmallow Incident in the library!!! Hope you have a wonderful week!!!