It has been a while since a Week That Was Post… really a while!!! It doesn’t mean we haven’t been doing anything – in fact quite the opposite.

Autumn arrived…

And though I deny it and continue to hang on to Summer… how mad is that!!!

And tree tomatoes…

And plenty of blue skies…

And watching the world go by…

And moon watching…

Of the best kinds…

And darker evenings mean… early baths…

And no-one has noticed the hour earlier bed-time a couple of nights a week!!!

And tons of visitors of course…

And the world wide web…

And visiting…

And train spotting…

And weddings…

With table-tennis… as one does…

And the great outdoors…

The best time of year for endless beaching…

And treasure hunting…

Any day…

Any time…

And getting home from the beach for cocoa…

And our ambles…

Are becoming a little more substantial…

Dare I say hiking…

And actually gym…

And a new neighbour – providing endless interest…

And getting other eager students to do one’s school work!!!

Some of us have been traveling…

To distant lands…

And the outdoor kitchen…

Is the busiest spot around here…

And swimming – though it the water must be freezing… freezing!!!

And lazy lunches in the sun… with royalty!!!

And tons of sandwiches for picnics…

And waffles – ’tis the season for waffles!!!

And tea-time…

And a new era… taking my teens out for coffee…

Letter writing…

And a truth… if they plant it, they will pick it and they will eat it by the bucket… someone suddenly loves salad and greens!!!

And someone rediscovered the bead box…

And a very quiet afternoon…

Dare I say… success!!!

And Tower Building competitions…

Music and books – always a good combination…

Heaps and heaps of arting…

Art… Art…

And then a bit more art…

My oldest and youngest…

Our artwork of the week: has to be this… because I just couldn’t stop laughing when I discovered it… It is a monkey hiding in a bunch of bananas!!!

And of course we are reading away…

And tentative reading aloud… intermingled with the most magnificent stories… nothing like the words written in the book!!!

And our books of the week are: Bill Peet classics that I remember taking out of the library as a child – they are hysterically funny and just what we need before bed!!!

This is what the Hoods have been up to:
Hood #1: Is the busiest person on earth… I can see a time when we just won’t keep up anymore…

Hood 2: And photo walks…

Hood #3: Has taken on Sunday afternoon teas… a project I highly endorse!!!

Hood #4: Endless book writing…

And more photo walking… because we just can’t get enough of it…

Hood #5:Endless chef-training… and chopping onions has become a new art…

And suddenly this guy can run…

Hood #6: Writing, writing, writing… hours spent copying out library books…

And heaps of joy…

Hood #7: Hats…

Music lessons hi-jacked…

And the Se7en + 1th…
Hood #8: Who does a painting that we call “the study in black” every single day… suddenly produced a smile!!!

And is in training for… life in general…

That’s us… Hope you are having a brilliant week filled with Adventure…

If you want to follow our day to day fun and photographs then follow along on instagram… we love it over there!!!
oh waw! you are busy, busy!What a lovely activities you are doing!Fun,fun,fun! And it is so true that when kids plant it, they will pick it and they will eat it by the bucket!!!At our house/flat a parsley is a major hit! Pick it, wash it, eat it! 😉
Thank you… Katja… I cannot believe how this little guy is munching through his greens!!! Just one little twig of parsley in the salad from the garden and he is off… feasting away!!! I think he needed an excuse to eat them after saying he didn’t like them for so long… because he sure loves them now!!! I hope you are having the most fun week!!!
I love the idea for chopping onions… The chef in training could be the inventor of numerous gadets 🙂
You guys are so busy every week, I still wonder how you even get to write about it…
I just love that “music and books” picture. Our pre-readers take their picture books to the piano to play music “just like Daddy.”
Oh Linda B, that is funny!!! Mt little guys have grown up with a big brother who trumpets daily – it is a way of life for them!!! Hope you have a fun week!!!
loads of fun!
Yup Aunty Muffin, Hope you are surviving the exam stress/tension with enthusiasm…!!! Lots of love from the whole gang!!!
oh man… every time I read these I want to come over and play!! What a fun, loving home & family 🙂 Kerry xx
Oh Man!!! Kerry… There is a lot to miss about Cape Town… except our appalling weather!!! Hope you are having an amazing week!!!