Well we have been somewhat caught up with birthdays and a week off school – everyone just needed a break and of course when one routine stumbles – so do they all. After a weekend spent deleting and shuffling vast amounts of photographs around we will quickly be back in the rhythm of blogging. Anyway, I really wanted to share the winner from last weeks Sunday Snippet GiveAway post quite got lost in the shuffle – so here it is… The book we reviewed for a GiveAway last week was: HomeGrown: A HandBook for Christian Parenting.
Here are all the entries:
Muddled up together…
Some picking…
And choosing…
Congratulations:Audrey P: Jun 10, 2013 at 11:00 pm “I would love this book for our growing family.”
I would like to thank Christian Book Discounters for giving us this book to review and GiveAway. I was not paid to write the review and the opinions expressed were entirely our own.