Christian Parenting
- Home Grown a HandBook for Christian Parenting, a GiveAway and a Winner.
- Character Training, Where to Start… and yes, our children do learn by our mistakes.
- When Things Are Tight… and a recipe in the comments…
- Saying Yes, When Time Managers Say No…
- You, Your Family and the Internet, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- Se7en + 1 Tips on Facing the Challenge of Venturing Out with Kids…
- Many A True Word Can Be Said in Prayer.
- Hiking through the Fog of Parenting books.
- The Seasons of Womanhood, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- Se7en Steps to Raising a Good Samaritan, a GiveAway and a Winner.
- Se7en Seek to Walk with the Wise, A GiveAway and a winner.
- Se7en Gifts For My Kids, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- The Bible Institute of South Africa.
- Finding Faithful Friends.
- Se7en Life Skills Lurking on the Internet.
- Bullies in Training.
- Let’s Not Talk About It (Abuse).
- Tigers. Buttons and Stewardship.
- Beauty is More Than Skin Deep – A GiveAway and A Winner.
- The Other Woman in Your Marriage – A Review.
- The Gift of Giving.
- Se7en Ways to Be Salt and Light as a Homeschool Family.
- Giving And Receiving – The Parables.
- You Are Your Brother’s Keeper.
- A Massive GiveAway and the Winners.
- Creation vs. Evolution – A GiveAway and A Winner.
- In God’s Image – A GiveAway and A Winner.

For Moms and Dads
- Rejoice in the Lord Always…
- You Really Don’t Have to Listen to those Inner Critics…
- Project Rest… “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
- Se7en + 1 Great Christian Blogs We Read…
- Se7en things a Father can give his Family.
- Mothers Day for Real Mothers.
- Lessons from a Wedding Celebration.
- Se7en Ways to Love Your Husband.
- Contentment Crept up on Me.
- The Seasons of Womanhood, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- Bringing Up Girls, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- What Makes A Dad a Dad? and a Bible Story GiveAway… and the Winner.
- Regret Free Parenting – A Booksneeze Review.
- On Friends…
- True Love – A GiveAway and the Winner.
- Mother’s Day, Christmas Evans and Free Rice – A GiveAway and the Winner.
- Fathers and Sons Stand Fast a GiveAway and the Winner.
- Se7en Ways to Encourage the Father Person
- Housewives under Siege.
- Best Relationship Books Ever.
- Joy to the World – A GiveAway and A Winner.
- Top Tips: Growing Faith With Families – A GiveAway and A Winner.
- The Facts of Life.
- 31 Ways to Pray for Your Children.

Family Devotions
- Se7en + 1 Steps to Decluttering Your Spiritual Life.
- Resolutions, Reading Plans and a GiveAway and a Winner.
- Rebels Rescued – A Student’s Guide to Reformed Theology – A CF4Kids Review.
- Catechism, There is an App for that – With Tim Keller.
- Theology for Kids, Meet Theo the Theologian, A GiveAway and a winner.
- Reading Plans and All those Good Intentions.
- Pray Your Way Around the World in five Minutes a Week.
- All Age Worship a Family Bible Study, a GiveAway and a Winner.
- The Famous Tamara Lowe’s One Minute Sermon…
- New Beginnings, a Year with John Calvin, a GiveAway and a Winner.
- 365 Days with Spurgeon, a GiveAway and a winner.
- New Beginnings, a GiveAway and a Winner.
- Bible Study for Kids and by Kids – a GiveAway and a Winner.
- There is a Plank in my Eye.
- Devotions for HomeSchool Moms.
- Family Devotions and Another GiveAway and A Reminder and A Winner.
- New King James Version to GiveAway and a Winner.
- Top Tips, Encouraging Faith – A GiveAway and the Winner.
- Helping Your Kids read Worthy Books.
- Lord Teach us to Pray and Read the Bible Aloud!
- Church Car Quiz.
- Finding Time for Quiet Time.
- The Ten Commandments – A GiveAway and A Winner.

- On Living With the Tent Flaps Open.
- When Mom’s Get Discouraged, there is Always Hospitality.
- The Cooking Club.
- Hospitality Begins at Home.
- Hospitality A Matter of Giving and Receiving.
- Feeding the Se7en Thousand – How to budget, and meal plan for all sorts of visitors.

The Sabbath
- Get Me to the Church on Time.
- Sundays are Special Days – A GiveAway and A Winner.
- Remember the Sabbath Day.
- Parenting in the Pew – A Review.

Events in Our Year
- Se7en Valentine Bible Games.
- Purim for Kids and Hamantashen.
- Se7en Make Palm Sunday Palm Leaf Crosses.
- Passover and a Platter of Plagues.
- Se7en’s Great Easter Round-Up.
- Se7en Things to Do the Week Before Easter.
- Earth Day and Treasures from Heaven.
- Remembering Remembrance Day…
- Remembrance Day and Se7en Ways to Remember Christmas.
- Se7en Learn About Hanukkah with Dreidels, Menorahs and Latkes.
- Se7en’s Complete Christmas Collection.
- Christmas is Coming Really Slowly Around Here…
- When Christmas Time isn’t the Best of Times.
- The Great Christmas Conspiracy.
- Se7en Thinks About Advent Calendars.
- Christmas is Coming, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- Se7en Gifts For My Kids, A GiveAway and a Winner.

Activities For Kids
- 52 Gap Fillers:A Book of Games to GiveAway… and a Winner.
- Puzzles, Quizzes and Other Stuff, A GiveAway and A Winner.
- Lots of Coloring Fun for Little Ones, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- Nehemiah and his Gates, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- Passover and a Platter of Plagues.
- Crafts, Crafts, More Crafts, a GiveAway and a Winner.
- Se7en Visit the Roman World of the New Testament – A GiveAway and the winner.
- The Egyptians in Bible Times – Lots of Crafts, A GiveAway and A Winner.
- Games, Games and More Games – A GiveAway and the Winner.
- The Great Dinosaur Mystery – A Review.
- Christian heroes for Kids – Se7en Resources.
- Living Water (Menthos and Soda Experiment).
- Passover Resources for Kids.
- Mighty Moses – A Scavenger Hunt.
- Go to the Ant.
- The Jesse Tree.
- The Bible Detective, from Kid’s Sunday School Place.
- Family Bible Quiz.
- Pancakes or Waffles.
- Pilgrim’s Progress, A Review and Resources.
- The Bible in Fifty Words.

Missions with Kids
- Why Take Your Family on a Mission Trip: Click on the image to go on a trip.
- It is so much easier to give than to receive.
- Traveling the World with Phoenix Phaxx and Sonlight…
- Passport to the World, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- Se7en Steps to Learning About a Great Missionary like Hudson Taylor.
- The Whole Wide World, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- A Visit to Egypt.
- The Sonlight / One Verse Project.
- Lesotho and a Chance to Serve.
- Our Friends Amongst the Rendille.
- How to Support a Missionary in Se7en Steps.
- Missionary Focus: Meet Caroline collie from Samaritan’s Feet.
- Online World tour with SIM.
- Round the World Dash.
- Ten Steps to Bible Translation.
- From Akebu to Zapotec – A Review.
- Se7en People Your Kids Can Pray For.
- If you see a Dragon…
- GLobal Graffiti.
- Geckos.

Bible Reading
- Mark by the Book Author Interview and GiveAway and a Winner.
- Quick Bible Look Up and a Youth Bible GiveAway, and a winner.
- Reading Plans and All Those Good Intentions.
- Psalm 23, a GiveAway and a Winner.
- The Cross for Today, a GiveAway and a Winner.
- The 2010 Luasanne Congress and an ESV Bible Study GiveAway and the Winner.
- A Bible GiveAway and the Winner.
- Se7en Ways Personalize the Bible for Your Kids.
- Favorite Bible Stories.
- 101 Routes to Explore into the Bible A GiveAway and A Winner.
- Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts – A Review.
- Read The Bible in 90 Days a Challenge.
- Bible Reading Plans.
- The Bible Book by Book.
- Se7en Resources for Writing the Word on Your Heart.
- Bible Reading in a Year.
- The Bible from Scratch – A Review.

People of the Bible
- He Has Risen Indeed: Just Who Was Mary Magdalene?
- Joseph the Dream Interpreter, A GiveAway, and a winner.
- Another Fabulous Ruth Teen Read, a GiveAway and a Winner.
- Noah’s Ark GiveAway and A Winner.
- Hidden Heroes of the Bible, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- Simon Peter A GiveAway and A Winner.
- Elisha GiveAway and A Winner.
- The Book of Ruth – A GiveAway and A Winner.
- Who Were Bathsheba and the Tamar’s Anyway? – A GiveAway and A Winner.
- Rahab – A GiveAway and A Winner.
- Nehemiah – Building the City Walls in a Dash… (a Scavenger Hunt).
- The Bible Book by Book.

Christian Biographies
- Out of the Black Shadows, A GiveAway.
- Se7en Missionary Biographies you Really should read.
- Se7en + 1 Reasons To Read Christian Biographies like George Whitefield.
- Meet the Author: Irene Howatt.
- Eric Liddell, Finish the Race – A Review.
- Fire From Heaven, Times of Extraordinary Revival, a GiveAway and a winner.
- The Greatest Century for Missions, A GiveAway and A Winner.
- Biography of a Hymn Writer, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- Two Timeless Books: I dared to Call Him Father and The Shaming of the Strong, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- A Faith Cook GiveAway and a Winner.
- Through the Gates of Splendor – A GiveAway and A Winner.
- John Piper’s Biography Resources.
- William Wilberforce, Se7en Resources – a GiveAway. and A Winner.
- Bruchko, A Book Review.
- The Great George Muller.
- Eric Liddell.
- Se7en Christian Biography Collections.

Books For Kids
- Seekers of the Lost Boy, an Author Interview and GiveAway and a Winner.
- 52 More Spurgeon Stories, a GiveAway and a winner.
- 52 Spurgeon Stories for Children, a GiveAway and a Winner.
- Lady Jane Grey – An Important Read and a GiveAway… and a Winner.
- The Jungle Doctor and the Whirlwind – A CF4Kids Audio Book Review.
- Mary of Orange at the Mercy of Kings – A CF4Kids Review.
- The Shoes That Love Made – Paul Brand – A CF4Kids Review.
- Discovering the Hidden Lamb, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- Faith Finders: Good Reads for Kids, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- 100th Anniversary of the Titanic, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- Church History for Kids.
- A Grand Canyon Adventure, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- History Lives – A Reformation Review.
- Silent Stars Speak, A GiveAway and a Winner.
- Best Mates A Bob Martin GiveAway and a Winner.
- Just for Fun a GiveAway and a Winner.
- Teaching Tots to Pray – A GiveAway and a Winner.
- Stop and Look Stories for Little Ones – A GiveAway and the Winner.
- A Patricia St. John GiveAway and the Winner.
- Three Special Stories – A GiveAway and A Winner.
- All Things Bright and Beautiful – A GiveAway and A Winner.
- Another Patricia St. John GiveAway and A Winner.
- A Great Christmas GiveAway and A Winner.
- Patricia St. John A GiveAway and A Winner.
- Christian heroes for Kids – Se7en Resources.
- So Who Was St. Patrick Anyway?
- Go to the Ant.
- Just for Fun – A Couple of Books to GiveAway and a Winner.
- One Wintry Night – A Review.
- God’s Wisdom by Elizabeth George.
- Pilgrim’s Progress, A Review and Resources.
- Se7en of the Best Story Bibles.
- God and Me a Review.
- The Hands on Bible – A Review.