I am only going to say this once… I love The Problogger event, can’t help myself… I love everything about it. I love following the months of preparation, I love the build up of tweets towards the event… This past weekend was the Problogger Event in Queensland Australia… and I have to confess that I spent vast chunks of time following every detail on Twitter and Instagram!!! And why oh why would a South African blogger be interested in an Australian blogging conference?

You may well ask!!! That’s the thing… blogging isn’t defined by location… it is global, and it is fun… not to mention I am an unabashed fan of the work that the Problogger has done for blogging all over the world. I have literally dozens of Australian blogging friends… that I have been following since I started blogging and the idea that once a year they all meet together to learn how to be more awesome at blogging… seems like the perfect place to meet up with them and say hi!!! Every year, when the Problogger Event comes around I feel more than a twinge of sadness that Australia is so so far away… this year was the option of the Virtual Pass… I let it pass… $250 (Australian or not) is lot of cash wherever you are and if you are living on South African Rands then – just no!!!

That being said I was able to follow heaps of bloggers, interact and find new bloggers to follow… Just by following #PBEvent on twitter I could see the amazing bits and pieces that were being taught and learnt at the event. If you are following a blogger event, then when the event ends keep on following… because after the haze of getting home, and the heavy sighs and recovering, all good bloggers do what they do best and they start to post. There has been so much to learn and tons of brilliant blog posts shared from the Problogger Event this past week… dozens and dozens of posts… and here are my favourites!!!
Se7en + 1 Fab Posts from the #PBEvetn – An Eventful Event
- Carly Findlay: What I learnt about digital content creation at the #PBEvent… Fabulous, fabulous actionable tips in here…
- Socially Sorted: Top Tweets from Problogger Event Dqy #1 #PBEvent This post demonstrates exactly why you can follow an event on twitter and glean heaps while you are at it!!!
- Oz Blog Hosting: Refelcetions on Problogger 2013 I love this post… there is so much in here for all genres of blogger…
- Pixaji: Time Here’s a blogger who was inspired and is already to get going and make changes – real live inspiration!!!
- The Reach Kit: Problogger Training Event (#PBEvent) An official tweeter and a great round-up…
- Build a little biz. Make it Shine: 31 things I learned from AH-MAY-ZING biz builders… If you like quotable quotes, then this is the post for you!!!
- My Vintage Childhood: Didn’t attend Problogger 2013 Conference? Here’s how to make the most of others attending…
- Jade Craven: Problogger Event: I’m getting better… Jade was an official tweeter and went the extra mile to make the tweet followers super welcome… you should follow if you are looking for real writing about real life… I love her work.
And the Se7en + 1th…
And that’s it… The Problogger Event until 2014.
If you would like to take a look at a collection of all the posts and tweets then settle in, and follow this link… Tagboard #PBEvent… you are going to be a while!!!
Good to hear that virtual ticket holders are getting some value out of it. I’m slowly working through the sessions to catch everything I missed.
Hey there thanks for linking to me. I heard your accent in the room and I hoped I’d see you in person!
My mum is South African 🙂
Glad you had a lovely time – there was so much to take in! I’m continuing to blog about the PBEVENT so stay tuned. And see you next year!
Hi Paul, Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment!!! Hope you are enjoying your Virtual Ticket – hope you have a fabulous weekend!!!
Carly, I am so, so, so thrilled that you stopped by!!! I was going to tweet you and say I am so enjoying reading your work… loving it in fact, following away!!! So really my privilege to link to you… And wow we have a South African connection… very cool!!! See you next year… ummm definitely worth dreaming about!!! Have a fabulous weekend!!!
Thank you for the lovely comments, and glad you could learn heaps despite the physical distance. 🙂
Jade, How brilliant of you to stop by!!! I have to say even on the far side of the world the #PBEvent was quite exhausting… so much to learn over such a short period of time – not to mention all the action happened in the middle of the night… Very fun, very exciting and honestly, even from the far side of the world I just can’t wait for the next one!!! Hope you are having a great week!!!