Today was a most unusual day, we spent some time watching all the dignitaries of the world visiting our nation to pay their respects to Nelson Mandela… And this huge public display of affection for a man who led our country for a short time, and yet made such a difference and had such a lasting impact on the lives of millions. We have no personal relationship with him, but as South Africans he was dear to our hearts and we were proud to have him as a leader. As a man he showed incredible patience and dedication, he had an unusual ability to forgive, where most of us would have been unable too.

On Sunday we went down to the parade in Cape Town, a large open area in front of the city hall…

South Africans from all walks of life were there and with a quiet and respectful air, they were laying their wreaths for Madiba…

So many flowers…

Big screens were up in preparation for today’s national memorial and more events through out the week…

Such a huge media presence from all over the world, and yet when we think of Madiba we don’t think of a mass-media man. Huge political events and rallies don’t come to mind. We think of an extremely humble gracious man who, like us, was born under an African sky. A man like all of us, he breathed the same air and he made his fair share of mistakes and yet he rose above so much and was able to bring our rainbow nation together. He was a man with a striking voice that could cut to the heart of the issue. When he spoke to the nation, you stopped what you were doing to listen. A normal man, with immense character who earned our respect and a place in our hearts.

We have watched this poem by Maya Angelou, “His Day is Done,” together and pondered on the beautiful words…
Our kids have been reading and re-reading our books about Madiba and trying to learn every detail they can about his life… it is the right thing to do, to ponder and reflect on his life… yes South Africa is a nation in mourning and somehow that brings us together…

I know many of our readers will wonder why we are writing about something so political, but for us this is not a political event at all. Our national father or grandfather has died, I can not imagine many of the political leaders, the world over, are considered to be father figures, but he truly was. As the father of our nation he inspired us and brought us together, he gave us a fresh start and taught us to be proudly South African. We will miss him…
Yes, something so inspiring about his life really does make him have such a father-place in our hearts. Beautiful flower photos!
Moving to read your thoughts. I’m really glad you shared them.
Thank you Debbie, I am so glad we went down to see the flowers. Thanks so much for stopping by!!!
Hay Zoe, thanks so much for the visit… I have a feeling that all we see on the news is not quite what you see on the news and so we went to see what was going on for ourselves… it has been an interesting week in our country. Have a great day…
Thanks for making this real for this American. 🙂
Hay there Heather, Good to meet you and glad to serve. Popped over to have a read of your blog – love your writing!!! Hope you have a great weekend… and survive those pesky poxes… mine have all had it three times… again and again and again – bleh!!!