Happy Birthday to Hood #3…

And just like that I became the mum of three teens…


Happy Birthday Hood #3


To the girl who just discovered Jane Austen…


And who loves Yuppie Chef as much as I do…


To the girl who will walk for a cause…


To the big sister that will read anytime anyplace…


To the girl who spends hours with her dad…


To the girl who loves the great outdoors…


And the ocean…


To the girl who is not afraid to try new things…


To the girl that loves baking…


And arting…


To the girl who is not afraid to stand up in a crowd when she has too…


But would really rather be baking…


Really… baking…


To the girl who loves bedtime stories…


And babies…


To the girl who will conquer great things…


To the girl with the ready laugh…


To this girl…

I salute you…

You are magical and wonderful and I love you… wishing you the best year ahead, may thirteen be filled with wonderful adventures and loads of exciting discoveries.

Se7en + 1 of Your Favourite Things…

  1. Favourite Feast: Ice-cream
  2. Favourite Outing: Beach
  3. Favourite Colour: Turquoise
  4. Favourite Occupation: Baking
  5. Favourite Past-time: Reading
  6. Favourite Movie: The Sound of Music
  7. Favourite Book: Heidi
  8. And the se7en + 1th…

  9. Favourite Afternoon: Chatting with Friends












Time Really Does Fly When You Are Having Fun…

14 Replies to “Happy Birthday to Hood #3…”

  1. Happy Birthday! I have a 13 year old daughter too and I think if an ocean did not separate us, they would be the closest of friends! Enjoy every moment of 13. It is quite magical.

  2. Oh man, happy birthday, Hood 3!

    I can so see my K growing up so quickly too – where does the time go!

    I love all the photos from her babyhood 🙂

  3. Happy Birthday, Hood #3! My daughter, our #4, is having her birthday on Wednesday, and we will have four in their teens. Wow! It’s been awhile since we had four kids under 5! They are all such a blessing, and so much fun too!

  4. Oh Jessica, This ocean, I tell you we have so may best friends on the far side of it!!! I am sure you are right, they would be firm friends… hope you have a great weekend!!!

  5. Thank you Marcia, I love writing these posts and looking back on their littleness!!! It is fab that you know my guys and have a connection with them… wishing you the best weekend… now that it is finally here!!!

  6. Oh thank-you Lilian, remember that… four under five and six under se7en… crazy times and then they grow up and it is fabulous!!! Hope you have a great birthday celebration on the far side of the world!!! Wishing you the best weekend!!!

  7. I’ve always felt a special connection to Hood #3 and this confirms it – we love all of the same things! 🙂 Can’t believe it’s been 13 years already (seems like just yesterday we were playing on the beach and she was 2!). May this first teen year be one of wonderful discovery and enjoyment. Lots of love from Georgia!!

  8. Happy 13th birthday! May this be a fun-filled, blessed, joyful year, much love!!!!

  9. Thank-you Laura… my word, I cannot believe that it is so long ago. I tell you time just flies. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and you are so right, I think you two would get along splendidly!!! Lots of love to all of you back in Georgia!!!

  10. Thank you Aunty Muffin… She just about died of excitement at your gift. Thank you for so much careful planning ahead of time!!! Lots of lekker love and we are counting down the days!!!

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