A Friday Fun Post… from a wild and wintry Cape Town… Nothing like a great storm to announce well and truly to all of us that still don’t actually believe in winter… that we are wrong. Winter does exist, but luckily it is only for a season… And even though it has been cold and wet we did manage to get a stunning woodland hike into our week…

Our Book of the Week:

The Complete Book of Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary Barker, and published by Penguin Books South Africa. Oh what a dream to discover the Complete Collection… there is something so magical about Cicely Mary Barker’s Flower Fairies… I read these books as a child and I strongly suspect that my mother did too. Beautiful poetry and entrancing and everlasting illustrations… all of them gathered together in one book. The illustrations are just so entrancing you can’t help imagining that there are fairies somewhere in the garden, whatever the season… you know they are there. The poetry is beautiful and descriptive, but it is the artwork that captures my heart… you can smell the spring flowers, you can hear the autumn acorns tumble down. This is a book that inspires one to use all your senses in the great outdoors, just in case… My smaller children have poured over this book for hours and hours in the last week… and I noticed a few older poets quite happy to read the poems out loud to their younger siblings. This is an beautiful book, a perfect gift for a special occasion. I have to be honest and say I thought the new cover was just a little bit “pink” but my children loved it… and the words and writing within are the age-old one’s that you will remember from your childhood. This book was given to us by Penguin Books South Africa for review purposes, we were not paid to review it and the opinion is as as usual, entirely our own.

Here are some lovely links from this week:
- I think we definitely need to get ourselves some new markers, well any markers… like really: Whatever’s Owls are just stunning!!!
- And talking about creativity… Daisy Yellow’s ICAD Challenge… I have my cards and I think I really need to do this…
- Don’t these Swings on Krokotak make you want to grab dozens of shoe boxes and just create away…
- In a Mess? Count to 100 by David Murray on Head Heart Hand… I loved this post… sometimes you just have to settle down and do the work… and counting to 100 is a good place to start, though I don’t think I will ever, ever, ever get through the digital photos!!!
- I loved this post… for all the mums of little ones… On Parenting Teens… by Jen Hatmaker
- I just discovered… Guys Read… Good Books for boys and tons of them…
- And the World really did lose a treasure in Maya Angelou this week… 5 Minute for Mom had fifty beautiful quotes.
- A Blast From the Past: And here are a couple of links to posts, this week, from previous years:
And the se7en + 1th link:
P.S. It is that time of year when we join our friends at Yuppie Chef and Eat for the Earth… here is our feast from last year…
That’s us…There is a June Calendar Post on the way… can’t wait to get that out to you and in the meanwhile we hope your weekend is a fabulous one and we are so looking forward to another week of blogging with you all…