And this weekend was the beginning of birthday season over here, with Hood #2 turning se7enteen…

To the lover of chocolate…

Who is always perfectly chilled…

A fabulous big brother…

With the incredible ability to sleep anywhere…

Always ready to play…

A champion encourager…

And keen to take part…

Our reader of millions of books…

And cleaner of beaches…

Hope se7enteen is an awesome year for you!!!
Happy Brilliant Birthday

To the guy who loves flying…

Has great taste in music…

Champion of champions…

Our family techie…

Our inventor of so many things…

Our party pirate…

Who will try anything…

I cannot fathom how you grew up so fast…

Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to Hood #2. These children grow way too fast!!
Oh happy birthday! It has been awesome to see you grow up! Hope you have a fabulous year!
And blessed birthday season to the mother person!!
All the happy wishes 🙂
Thank you so much Christi, time sure does travel fast!!! Hope you all have a good week!!!
Thank you Ruby, don’t they just!!! Time appears to fly by… hope you have the best week!!!
Thank you so much Corli, so good to hear from you!!! Hope you all have a fabulous week!!!
Thank you Cassey, you are the sweetest… hope you have a wonderful week!!!
Happy birthday to him. He is a fabulous big brother, I do know that 🙂 and a genius with the techno things that elude me!!!
Thank you Marcia, He would love a happy birthday from you… and where would I be without my techie kid. Hope you are having a great week!!!