Three Green Living Questions that We Asked An Environmentalist…

A while back we introduced a series of Three Green Living Questions that we asked a number of folk who are working on environmental projects. Towards the end of last year on a damp and dreary day we were thrilled to get up and head out into the field with an environmentalist, whose job it is to do the field work for researchers who remain in their lab.

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We had the most amazing walk through the veld learning all about local plants. Part of her project was to collect certain markers in the field, each with their own specific GPS location… only trouble is weathering and animals and people in the area, meant that some of the little flags were no longer visible.
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All the markers were part of a project to determine the effect of fire on areas where alien clearing had occurred and where there hadn’t been in any alien clearing. Meanwhile our environmentalist friend turned out to be an absolute font of information and she knew so much about every single plant… we had a fascinating morning and got home inspired to learn more about our local plants.
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A gift for Latin names… Roella Ciliata

Introducing Suzaan an Environmentalist


Let’s introduce our environmentalist, Suzaan… whose official title is Chief Technical Officer, nature conservation and science support for the center of invasion biology.
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Three Green Living Questions

  1. What one thing do you do in your home that you feel makes a difference to the environment?
  2. I have a beautiful Indigenous fynbos garden that requires no watering and no maintenance. The plants are hardy not weedy. Otherwise we practice recycling and keep a compost heap.

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    We had a burst of rain, and decided that some tea would be a great idea

  3. If you could tell your community one thing to change what would it be?
  4. Save water… Every one has to do their best. Don’t worry what other people are doing just do your best. It is a lifestyle of using less.

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    We fell wildly in love with her beautiful dog.

  5. If you had an opportunity to speak to world leaders what policy would you ask them to implement?
  6. World leaders should take responsibility for environmental issues. You can’t just manage education and industry and think everything else will fall into place. When you manage a game farm you have to manage everything, right now they are managing the whole world wrong. Alien clearing and climate change are not enough they need to consider the whole environment.

    The Photo Gallery

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    Previous Posts in This Green Living Series…

    Watch this spot, same time same place next week… for another Green Living Interview…

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