Holidays A Valentines Party in Se7en Steps… Posted on 30 January 200917 March 2018 by se7en Following the outline of se7en steps to a great party on our practical party page lets plot and plan a Valentine Party in Se7en Steps……
Party Se7en Steps to a Science Party… Posted on 17 January 200917 March 2018 by se7en We have a technology mad hood and a mysterious magician hood and due to a whole pile of circumstances we missed their birthday party celebrations…
News The Week That Was… 28 Posted on 10 January 200910 January 2009 by se7en So we read some books… same ones as last week. It was just too hectic to get to the library and I couldn’t face the…
Party A Triathlon Party in Se7en Steps… Posted on 8 January 200917 March 2018 by se7en We recently had some friends over for a mini-triathlon it was such fun and I thought it would make a great party. A couple of…
Holidays Se7en and the New Year Tree Party… Posted on 31 December 200817 March 2018 by se7en New Year for me is so not a big event… I know it feels like a fresh start and new calendars go up… but I…
Holidays Clearly Christmas: A Christmas Cookie Swap in Se7en Steps… Posted on 12 December 200817 March 2018 by se7en One of our Christmas Traditions is to have a cookie swap the last Sunday before Christmas. We invite almost everyone we know and certainly everyone…
Holidays Clearly Christmas: A Kids Christmas Craft Party in Se7en Steps. Posted on 5 December 200817 March 2018 by se7en The wonderful thing about craft parties is that the kids do the work. They really enjoy, given the materials, the freedom to create whatever they…