Crafts Se7en Make a Mini-World from Streamers and Acorns… Posted on 15 January 201022 November 2018 by se7en What happens when you leave a whole lot of bright and sparkly things, left over from your New Year Party, lying on your kitchen counter…
Crafts Se7en Create Some Mad Musical Mayhem… Posted on 25 March 200922 November 2018 by se7en So we needed something fun and music’s always fun. But I am not one for living with shakers and toilet roll trumpets so we decided…
Crafts Se7en do Se7en Valentines… Posted on 29 January 200922 November 2018 by se7en Happy Valentines Day – Well, almost. ‘Tis the season! Not actually, it isn’t even February yet – but before you know it it will be…
Holidays Se7en and the New Year Tree Party… Posted on 31 December 200817 March 2018 by se7en New Year for me is so not a big event… I know it feels like a fresh start and new calendars go up… but I…
Crafts Spring Streamers… Little Flower Bunting. Posted on 2 September 200822 November 2018 by se7en So we needed to celebrate the coming of Spring. Only the weather was so inclement and the outdoors so freezing that it had to be…