So this is our nature corner… where we have tried to grow vegi’s but every time we do the local baboons arrive for a feast and pulverize any plant into a pulp – so I have let it go, so to speak. Not to mention that it is midwinter and hardly blooming!
Anyway, it is now the nature collection sort of spot, with a couple of weather proof baskets and a table – it took a while for me to figure this out: kids will collect, accept this and make a collection spot and then it doesn’t seem too uncontrollable!…
and everytime someone comes home with a bunch of seashells, special bark, cones or stones – there it goes…
And any sort of natural crafty works go their too… like sea shell mobiles, that you may not actually want to hang in your home, but no need to quell the adventurous spirit or the creative mind…
Meanwhile, I know “a tired boy is a happy boy” so I set Hood#1 the task of cleaning out all the leaves and so on – yesterday, when the sun peeped out… well half an hour later we had more than a few new dwellings…
well you would have to be very very small…
and another one, with a coconut shell…
Not to mention some public transport!
and finally a banquet hall…
Well it is Saturday and we will have our usual pizza feast with some friends later. And this week we may well have to consider some very very short friends, as well.