If you want to know more about this project please go and look at my first post in the series: A Tisket a Tasket… what’s in my basket… Really you should!
Once a week – just for this month – I will post those things that I have Tisked, or should I say Tossed: Completely got rid of, like out the house not just to the door! and the Tasket: Maintenance jobs that I have been neglecting. Talk about honesty blogging – not to mention I thought I was quite decluttered – ha ha ha! Organized, yes. Decluttered, definitely not.
There isn’t a plan: I don’t have an itemized list to tick as I go. I wanted to just get going rather than delaying any longer. I am just intending to do a little something everyday – it has to make a difference – surely?
So here we go:
Tisk #1: A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post Organizing School and Craft Stuff in Se7en Layers… and was horrified to discover how many things on the school dresser I didn’t use – ever! It really isn’t enough to be organized, I really have to declutter. So out went the math manipulatives. I couldn’t face the science so back it went for another day.
- Task #1: Swept behind the bag boxes at the front door – never ever usually look behind them!
Tisk #2: Sorted Hood #4, #5, #6 and Hood #7’s clothes… basically take out anything falling apart, too small whatever – out it goes. I only keep clothes that I absolutely love to pass on. I am a real clothing minimalist. I honestly believe if they have too many choices it becomes too much for them to maintain. So clothes sorted!
- Task #2: Fold all the remaining clothes and packed them back.
Tisk #3: Got rid of old oils, vinegars and empty herb containers on the shelf next to the oven – where they kind of lie around, lurk around and get forgotten.
- Task #3: Scrubbed the shelf and all the bottles.
Tisk #4: Gave away a dish rack that I haven’t used in two years. It didn’t actually fit on our sink – so out it went. Two years! We got a dishwasher two years ago and I haven’t looked back!
- Task #4: Roamed the house and tossed all the artworks that have been stuck on door frames and wherever short people find a spot. The best get photographed. Then retraced my steps and cleaned the tic tack and sticky tape left behind. A combination of a wet wipe and a two year old does a great job at this.
Tisk #5: Gave away some cushions on our bed that I have never ever liked! They even moved house with us eight years ago. Really this is quite alarming. I can’t blame everything on being busy blogging.
- Task #5: Went for a wander and put all the books lying flat on top of bookshelves were put away properly.
Tisk #6: Got rid of school flashcards, I hate flashcards I never use them, my kids hate them – why in the world do we have them. Out they went. Just because other people think that this the only way to teach multiplication tables doesn’t mean we do! Got rid of a couple of duplicate school books at the same time.
- Task #6: Wiped all the cupboard doors in the kitchen, any number of things can be dripping down them at any one time.
Tisk #7: Sorted out the board games and past on all the games we haven’t played in months or years (yikes). We have some that we love and I am sure they will be posted in a Se7en of the Best Post soon.
- Task #7: Cleaned the toothpaste gunk off all the toothmugs – euch!
That’s it for this week. I will post more on the Tisket/Tasket Project next week.
I’m so impressed! If only I could find the time and energy to do the same…can I blame my lack of action on grad. school?
Blame it on whatever!!! If I don’t get started it’s going to be too late. They are going to name a land fill after me!