If you are looking for exquisitely beautiful picture books for children, then look no further. My children love and adore these books. Elizabeth George has carefully selected and crafted the words of the book of Proverbs into a readable and memorable way. Making it easy for small people to place God’s word on their heart. The watercolor paintings, by Judy Luenebrink, are so beautiful they really feel like you can climb right inside them. These books would make perfect gifts, even baptism gifts. They present little lessons in God’s wisdom, using a verse from Proverbs page by page, in such a delightful way.
The book for little boys has a little guy learning a rhyme of wisdom from page to page: God’s little boy is helpful, God’s little boy is giving, God’s little boy is wise and so on. As he wanders through the book so his dog and pet frog wander with him. Even my smallest kids are engaged hunting for the frog on the next page. On every page in the little boy’s book there is a quilt border that frankly I would quite like to own! Just on account of the quilts you should read these books to your kids!
The little girl’s book has the sweetest little girl, learning wisdom from Proverbs 31. God’s little girl is priceless, God’s little girl is kind, God’s little girl is eager… She is not a piffly little girl full of airs and graces – she looks like the real thing. She has a cat that you will find on every page. And she does the most delightful little girl things like baking, sweeping leaves and painting throughout the book.
Because the paintings are so beautiful and life-like my children just spend hours looking at these books trying to figure out if the little girl and boy are friends and trying to glean absolutely anything about them. Not to mention that I am happy to read these books over and over, not just for the words of wisdom but because they are quite simply works of art.
We absolutely love these books and read a double spread almost every night at bed-time – one month I do the book for little boys and the next month the book for little girls. Every one knows them off by heart – they know what’s coming and they remember what has past. These books are a great tool for teaching young children about God’s wisdom and how it applies to their lives.
This is off-topic (although it does concern books!) but I wondered if you’d come across the book ‘Twenty chickens for a saddle’ by Robyn Scott. It’s a quirky memoir of a Botswana childhood and a homeschooling (unschooling??)mother. I’ve really enjoyed it and thought it might appeal to you too!
By the way, I tried your Madiba shirt project with my 2 and 2 friends. Much fun was had by all…and the final products do bear some resemblance to shirts!!
Thanks for the tip – I will look out for it. Glad you had fun with the shirts!!!