Would someone just tell me what day it is already, it seems like it has been weekend forever and it isn’t over yet – too weird… You may not know this but there is a rhythm to the posts on this blog…
- Monday Munchies…
- Tuesday Art Task…
- Wednesday Practical Parties…
- Thursday School or Parenting…
- Friday – The Week that Was…
- Saturday Spot…
- Sunday Snippet…
So if I don’t know what day it is I am LOST – lost I tell you… Here comes The Week That Was… and hopefully I will find my balance soon!!!
Well the Big Event was Clearly Christmas!
Christmas Dinner…
And just be glad you aren’t a granny to se7en and then a few cousins as well…
One granny gave us se7en deck chairs and my house will never be the same again!!!
And the other granny made these darling bags… all of them…
Meanwhile we read some books, the same as last week. I especially chose really fat ones.

But our favorite has to be the one we are reading:

I wish we owned this one – we are so loving it and the hoods are loving the words… there is a little echo as I read as short people try and build these words into their repertoire. and odd requests to read that bit over… and over… and over… I really thought they would find it a bit tricky but they are loving it. And they have the expertise of Hood 1, who set himself the task of reading through everything by Charles Dickens the year he was se7en.
Otherwise we had a serious sporting event: What could be better that than a bunch of friends on a Summer afternoon and a triathlon of note!!!

Hood #1: chilled out with Hood #7 and read some books.
Then he built his little sister a new house and made sure he could fit into it…

Hood #2 & #3: Flew beneath the radar again. At least they were together for the trip – wherever it went.
Hood #4: Took on another persona… the Super Hero has arrived. In fact, said Super Hero joined us for pizza.
Hood #5: Took his Christmas preparation very seriously… and made sure he had enough sustenance to cope with the job at hand.
Hood #6: Decided to have the week of the hat and introduced her little sister to the art too.
Hood #7: Discovered her first Christmas Tree and up went all the decorations!!!
And I baked Nigella Lawson’s leftover turkey pie… my first pie, and almost everyone liked it!!! I suppose I can’t expect those naturally born never ever eat any meat of any sort eaters to partake of my pie.

Thanks to Nigella and Feast for a lovely easy Boxing Day supper.

That’s it – have a great weekend… whenever that is!
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