Let’s start with the weather report: Mostly clear and and crisp and very cold…
And our bed bugs came in very handy:
We have had our first of two weeks off school and my word I am totally wiped out!!! We decluttered and sorted and cleared our way through every kids item in the house. This week coming is a science week and the excitement is mounting as I popped a couple of scientific looking supplies into the monthly shop this morning. You know important stuff for explosions and bubbles and well you know – really scientific stuff!!! My intention was to do a whole lot of blog stuff – but that is not going to happen!!!
The last two weeks we had little visitors – one at the kitchen sink that didn’t wash dishes and one in the bathroom that didn’t clean toilets. This week I had two little ants stop by… they must have wanted a byte of apple.
Otherwise this would be the week of signs. The end of the school term meant the end of the computer ban and almost every screen in the house had a sign up saying:
And in the pre-dawn a number of hoods were busy computing…
Another sign went up, but was whipped away before I could photograph it. I think the perpetrator might have lost their nerve. It went like this: I resine from all swipin. Fr efa. (I resign from all sweeping. For ever)!!! I think my hysterical laughter at the sight of this serious document might have been the reason for its very quick exit into the recycling… And I noticed said hood parked firmly behind the broom after the next meal.
School holidays means we made it to the library, of course!
And then we read a heap of books…
We also had these really cute visitors, but remember we don’t do pets. So they left as fast as they arrived! Very cute while they lasted.
And our book of the week will have to be:
Which meant lots of fun and wild games underfoot at the end of the day while I was making supper…
Hood 1: Spent hours making a “Joy Tree” – who knew there was such a thing! Apparently there is and it is an all year Christmas tree, full of streamers and sea-shells and a couple of bugs!
Hood 2: Decided the time has come to master JAVA – whatever that is!!!
And spent hours making himself head to toe body armor. Boys must be… And you never know when you may need it!!!
Hood 3: When you have a girl child then you have to do important things like spend your Saturday afternoons painting teeny tiny fingernails pink – who would have thought I would ever do this – but blame my late blog on priorities!
Otherwise she really has the sewing bug… And was the main player in pushing the bed bug project along. She has her patterns all ready for the week ahead and is good to go at mastering applique.
Hood 4: Helped to raise the tree house to the next level and we now have an eerie.
Hood 5: Dreamt all about making banana bread and got up and made one, long before the mother person had risen and seized the day!
Hood 6: Will no longer accept that any name will do and goes to great lengths to tell me “My name is Number Thixth” every time I call her by the wrong name – which is all the time! She is royalty after all and I had better get used to it…
Hood 7: Discovered the porridge pot – I have trained my kids so well to get their dishes into our friend the dishwasher but I haven’t yet managed their level of competence myself!
Hood 8: Survived the mid-wife appointment with flying colors! And we are in the nine weeks to go straight – YAY! I really am not the best pregnant person in the world. I think perhaps we should put the car seat away for the next few weeks because someone is not quite ready to relinquish her spot!!! She has nine weeks to adjust!!!
That’s us. Have a good week!
lol i love the armor, my own son did the same thing with duct-tape and old cloths about 2 weeks ago!
Trying to comment. I don’t see any open id choices, just my info already filled in the name/mail/website.
Sounds like a lovely week. Your children will cherish these updates.
Hi G, Yup, it took him hours with a stapler and masking tap and paper… Aren’t boys funny!!! Have a good week!
Hay JulieK, I can’t believe it, finally the comment thing worked for you!!! What did you do? Oh I am thrilled that one of the folk that struggles to comment finally did! Thanks for persevering!!! I hope you guys have a great week!!!