World Post Day… Let’s Celebrate with a Postcard Swap…

Waaaahhhh!!!! We haven’t had electricity all day and I haven’t been able to blog… heart-ache I tell you!!! No internet the entire day – if I haven’t replied to your email forgive me and know that it nearly killed me!!!

And just in case you miss hood #8 and haven’t seen a fresh picture of him coping with the heady exhaustion of a warm bath, well here he is…


Meanwhile back to the topic…

I mentioned when I posted our calendar post on Monday that we would be celebrating World Post Day today…


And we decided to do a postcard swap with whoever wants to join us…

This is how it will work:

  1. We will draw, craft and art our postcards and send them off to you next week.
  2. DSC06602

  3. As soon as you get ours, then you send one back to us… We think it would be fun to collect postcards from around the world…

If you want to join in then:

  1. Comment on this post before the end of Monday, 12 October 2009.
  2. Once you have commented immediately head over to our contact page – just follow the link… and drop us your snail mail address… This is important I won’t have time to follow up looking for addresses – trust me on this!!!

    If you have sent us your address for previous GiveAways and Swops then send it again because I never keep them… (You know me – minimalist: delete, delete, delete).

Of course if 200 million of you sign up them I will have to come up with another plan. We were aiming high and hoping for at least 50 participants, that’s not too many, remember there are a lot of us, se7en +1, to send postcards round the world!!!

Sounds like fun to us – Join us – and get commenting!!!

P.S. For All our Local friends we would love to hear from you too: LOCAL IS LEKKER… comment away!!!

44 Replies to “World Post Day… Let’s Celebrate with a Postcard Swap…”

  1. Hood number 8 is making me long for the day that I will not be pregnant anymore – he looks so cute and newborn-y. Are you guys interested in receiving a return postcard from your own neck of the woods? My kids would love to send some to their hood friends!

  2. this sounds like fun, I’m in! Do you want a homemade postcard or one with a photo from our region?

    Jenny in Ca (Home is where you start from)

  3. We are so excited!

    This month we are studying a country from Africa (my daughter chose Uganda).

    When I shared that there is also a country in Africa called South Africa, and that we could share postcards with a family there, she was ecstatic!

    Can’t wait to get started! 🙂

    We live in the Northwest of the U.S.

  4. Sounds like great fun…My daughter loves all form lof mail, sending and receiving. We too are in England.

  5. fun fun fun. I may even have one of Namibia tucked away in a drawer somewhere. *off to rummage through a drawer*

  6. count us in too, and thank you for extending it!
    we’re in northeast indiana, and we’ve had fun watching you get ready for spring, as we get ready for fall — burrr it’s cold here today 8 celsius this morning

  7. I sure wished I saw this two weeks ago.

    Is it too late now?

    I really wish is isn’t.

    If not I would love to swap postcards. And I would make one of my own, for post day.

    I will email in case the is the teeniest chance. And understand if there is no longer a chance.

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