I know, I know all these baby posts… but that’s where I am at! And since I wrote Se7en Birth Stories a couple of weeks ago I gather you guys like to read them!!!
This evening: Rain clouds were looming,
Se7en Hoods were chilling…
The father person was cooking:
And Hood #8 was fast asleep…
And it was exactly a week since his great arrival I thought I would post the story… so here it is…
After what felt like weeks and weeks of waiting and waiting for the great event… and nights and nights of story times thinking: We will definitely have a baby in the morning… only we never did… I for one gave up in despair and if you had asked me I may quite seriously have said that of course a woman can be pregnant forever… Needless to say a day out with the kids and an evening with friends not thinking about labor for one second was exactly the break I needed and motivation for little #8 to think he should make himself heard, lest he be completely forgotten about!!!
We did the whole usual day thing: school and stuff… and because we were never ever having this baby – really – only did a partial frantic clean… which had become part of my daily routine anyway… Then collapsed on the couch to read more Dr. Seuss… Wham!!! I knew we were having a baby sometime soonish but didn’t want to call anyone just yet!!! Not one to cause alarm and the thought of calling a midwife in vain really sends me reeling with anxiety. I had to wait until I was absolutely sure I was really in labor… So started to prepare supper – the least I could do, thinking I would get the kids to bed early and then sometime in the night a little bundle of joy would arrive… the bundle arrived but it wasn’t waiting till after bed time!!!
As I was getting things out to prepare supper it occurred to me that it wouldn’t be a good day for the father person to stay late at work and get caught up in a project… but I also didn’t want him to fly into a panic and dash home across the city… So very casually I called to say don’t work late… and very casually I heard roars of approval (like this is exactly what I didn’t want to hear!!!!) from around the office as he said he was on his way home.
Needless to say the father person arrived home and needed his usual nap – LIKE WHAT!!! – I carried on with supper… and very soon realized I wasn’t going to get the se7en through showers let alone supper. Maybe time to call the mid-wife… now there is a fine line here: Call to soon and she will have to sit around waiting for a baby to arrive, call too late and well she won’t have time to unpack all her heaps of equipment and I mean HEAPS!!! In her defense she does come over to our house every other year unpack the most amazing amount of equipment and then we have our baby she repacks her goodies without complaint and carts it all off home again. I know it is huge undertaking on her part and really can’t stand the thought of her being called out just to sit around our house waiting and waiting and waiting…
Needless to say I called her and I think she may have been camping outside because even though I said take your time and you’ve got at least forty-five minutes she was there at the door instantly! I also have a great friend who comes to play with our kids, feed our kids, shower our kids… and anything else that needs doing with the kids whenever I am in labor – yes it is whenever!!! And I rang her to mention that I would need a little help getting the kids to bed and she quite literally stepped in the front door as well… hmmmmmm smacks of conspiracy!!!
And now you will see that my photography skills during labor are not great – absolutely no focus for about 24 hours!!! And a “point and shoot” can only do so much…
So here we are: Se7en having supper… and now that I look clearly I didn’t finish what I was cooking either and something else was whipped up and onto plates…
Supper done and the kids were literally climbing the walls with anticipation. Thank heavens for a very patient kid-watcher!!! The back-up midwife arrived, which is good – it means everybody else thinks we will be having a baby imminently – it is not just some wild wishful thought on my part!!! While the midwives were unpacking their goodies Hood #4 took their blood pressure just to see that they were okay and give them some numbers to fill in on all those endless forms they bring to fill in.
Hood #5 made sure that all their equipment was in good working order – it would be a shame to unpack it and then not make any use of it.
At this stage the father person and the midwives had a cup of tea and a good chat on the couch… I breathed!!!
I took a photo of the midwives and their tea, that must be the strange photo of the ceiling!!! Tea done… and back to business… kids romping through the shower… and about this time in every labor the midwife and I have a little chat… it goes like this:
She says: “Are we going to check how far along we are anytime soon?
And I think: “Whose we in this scenario?”
And I say: “I don’t think so”
A period of time passes and guess what…
She says: “Are we going to check how far along we are anytime soon?
And I resign myself… and she always announces with glee: “3cm”
And I always want to crawl away and die – it is quite the most sickening news… to hear you have been laboring away and you are a whole 3cm…
This time she said: “You are eight cm”
And I thought: “Oh leap of joy, oh spring in my step…”
And she then said: “But where is the baby?”
And I thought: “And who is the midwife? – I know it’s still in there…”
After a period of time they decided that we had achieved the great 10cm… but there was no baby – nice to be told that after 40 weeks… much poking and prodding of the tummy – hmmm there still appears to be a small child within…
Up I stood, decided to have a moment of despair… aha that magic moment of giving up, which means hooray because this baby is about to leap forth!!! Reminded myself that I really wanted this!!! Heard kids romping on beds and singing wild thing songs… obviously drowning out the moans from the mother person!!!
And the midwife and I had our usual discussion about what the best position would be and I say: “I don’t think so” and she says: “You can do it!” … we have to have these little discussions they are part of the process… and then we have our baby.
Just as she is saying “hang on a sec”
I think: “I don’t think so” and out he leapt.
Se7en admirers descended from bouncing on the beds: Look at those girls making a beeline for the front row…
And one of us was so enamored!
Hood #2 cut the cord:
Hood #1: Had the honor of dressing the little fellow…
I had a long hot bath, various hoods collapsed into bed exhausted… friends went home, midwives went home and we spent the whole night watching him and learning his face… Lovely!
And that’s the long story of how se7en became se7en + 1.
Thanks to a very patient bouncy-kid-loving friend for her patience… And thanks to our great midwives for their endurance and understanding and their strange ability to survive another mad evening in our home.
Aw, so romantic! I wish I could have a home-birth but they won’t let me do it because my first was a c/s. Even though I’ve had another 2 normally. Surely this time they’ll give in. Birth is such a normal part of life and I don’t agree with it being such a medical ‘procedure’.
Aren’t new babies such a treat?! Enjoy it.
Hi O, I am thrilled to hear your news!!! You must be so excited… it is a bit of a gauntlet to get the birth you are after around here isn’t it! I hope your pregnancy goes well!!!
Well done again! And thank you for sharing. The process sounds crazy wonderful. I would LOVE to have a home birth. Can you believe we have no midwife locally? (rural Florida, US) And only one OB office. But they are ok. Last baby I broke the rules and stayed home after my water broke- which is NOT ALLOWED. It took a few hours for labor to get going and they were beside themselves with me staying home. I knew they would be pushing pitocin so I lounged and then labored at home till I was afraid I might deliver in the car and we arrived just in time. They didn’t have much chance to meddle with me. : ) Oh, and I think it is funny that I knelt down on the floor to scrub a spot and that is when my water broke- just like all the old ladies say if you want to go into labor- scrub the floor! It works I guess!
Hi, lovely story, 8 is very sweet – I love those newborn facial expressions!
I was wondering if you have ever done a post about your view on immunisation/vaccination? Maybe I have missed it, but if not maybe there is some “inspiration” for a new post!! I (and I am sure many others!) would be interested to know what your opinion is.
Oh I hope mine goes so well. I feel like I’ve been pregnant forever and she will NEVER get here. And this will be my 3rd VBAC. Yeah! After my first “disaster” birth – I said never again will I listen to a doctor tell me to lay down on my back with a belly monitor band to labor. Horrific.
Beautiful story, thank you so much for sharing! I can’t wait to be able to have our babies at home… insurance (mine in particular anyway) won’t cover it here and we’re not in a place to pay for it…. boo! Know that you have many people the world over rejoicing with you in the arrival of your precious little one!
Lovely. I am glad that it all went as you had hoped.
I think #8 looks like the father person.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Loved that story! Just wonderful! Bouncy-kid-loving friend is a gem, isn’t she? Good thing she lives nearby too! Enjoy your little 8-hood to bits! Love it, love it, love it!
I agree with T that the bouncy-kid-loving friend is fabulous! I know one Aunty K who would’ve loved to be there too 🙂 Lovely story and so happy that #8 is here!
Hi K-R, I am so with you… I too would break a few rules if I only had an OB office nearby!!! As for washing floors… I spend the last month of every pregnancy scrubbing floors – it is a nesting thing! Take care!
Hi D, Of course I have an opinion on immunization!!! And I will add it to my list of potential posts… Glad you liked our story! Have a good day!
Hi R, Trust me on this… you will not be pregnant forever… Sounds like you needed a brave recovery from your first, well done you. I think you have to totally despair with your pregnancy in order to welcome labor… you really have to have had more than enough… It’ll come! All the best to you in those last days!
Hi C, thanks for the welcome for our little guy! I am astonished at how hard it is to have a home birth around rge world – really it is amazing what we “are allowed to do”… Incredible!!! Take care!!!
Thank you for the sweet story of #8’s arrival! So thankful everything went well! Keep kissing those darling cheeks! 🙂
Hi L, He certainly doesn’t look like me!!! Thanks for stopping by and have a good weekend!
Hi T, Glad you like it!!! Yup good friends are precious treasures! Have a great weekend.
HI K, Thanks for commenting!!! Those cheeks are cute and the fluffy hair!!! Hope you have a great weekend!
What a fabulous birth-story! As a doula, you have my eyes tearing and my heart melting! Congrats, you are amazing!!
Hi N, Glad you liked it!!! I must say we built some special memories that evening!!! Thanks for stopping by…
Thought I was broody, but now I’m SERIOUSLY broody. I’ve had 3 H-B’s too, only no 1 was born in hospital, and it really is such a special, special experience. Your post has made some of my favorite memories come flooding back!Wonder if I can pursuade the father of this family that another small person would be a good thing…
Hi A, Not sorry to cause this dilemma!!! Our father person was quite convinced that five was enough but as soon as we had five he was convinced six and se7en would be better… and he is madly in love with eight!!! Me I always knew the more the merrier!!! Have a great day!!!
Hi, friend and fellow doula to Nicole here. Congratulations you great and mighty “Inanna” (Mother Goddess).
I remember my first born (at 2,5 yrs old) dipping her hard boiled egg in the birth pool’s water to salt it whilst I was birthing her sister. All this before breakfast on a Sunday morning!
Isn’t home birth just the bees knees?!
Love and much laughter
It is great to hear about your birth story. My son was 4.6kg and I told the doctor I could do it naturaly but after 8 hours we had a C-section. I should take your advise and stay away from hospitals. After two c-sections I think no doctor or midwife will allow me a homebirth but after number two I did some researh and if I was to have another one I would choose a place like the birthing center ‘Linwood’ at the Linksfield hospital. Unfortunately after number two we are still waiting and it has been 8 years. I also feel the more the merrier but after battling with infertility issues and having two beautiful children I guess I am blessed. Congratulations on your beautiful baby. Take care and God Bless.
Hi M, Yup you sure need a sense of humor to get through home-births, especially with multiple siblings… your egg snippet is hysterical!!! Have a great day!!!
Hi S, Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your story… My goodness it sounds like you have had a tough time. Thank-you so much for stopping by and I hope you have a good weekend!
I LOVED this birthstory. The mental picture of all the joy and kids romping around is wonderful. How blessed are big families, if I do say so myself! 🙂
I also love how your kids were involved in his first moments of life, from cord-cutting to dressing. If I have #8, I will never get that experience.
Hay large family friend… Yup our biggest blessing is that all our births have been regular uncomplicated births, so we have never needed any medical intervention, and so we have been able to carry on having homebirths… as soon as we have any intervention that would be the end of our run. I love that our kids can be part of the process and that birth is just another wonderful part of their lives. Hope you guys have a great weekend together!!!
Loved to hear the story of birth in the family! Wish there were more of those around the world.
I loved your post. I want to encourage those that desire to homebirth to ask the Father. He answered my prayers. I wanted a homebrith especially after 4 horrible homebirths in Israel and no money to hire a midwife. So, my 5th came out en route to hospital, in the desert moonlight, just my friend an I. It took one hour from first sign of labor to birth. It was amazing and gave me hope for my 6th. We birthed her at home 2 months ago, just my husband and mom to witness the birth. Half an hour from start to finish! Not even a midwife would have made it if we had arranged or tried!
All glory to Him for the miracle and blessing of birth.
Hay J, Glad you liked our story!!! Wishing you all the best for yours… Hope you guys have a great weekend!
Hi K, So glad you shared your amazing stories!!! I hope you and your family are having a great vacation!!!
oops, I meant to say 4 horrible HOSPITAL BIRTHS!!! That is why having the last 2 outside and then at home was so amazing.
We are having a great time, thanks!
I always stop buy and was logging into your blog several times a day whilst you were waiting for number 8. I was at a conference for 2 days and woops when I logged in again number 8 was here. I must tell you that I was looking into HS for next year 2010 a couple of my friends up in Jozi were trying to convince me to use Sonlight. But I was afraid because I though it was to American but just by mere luck I was browsing around the net and found your site. You were the person that totally sold it to me.
Maybe in future when you have time you can address how you plan to graduate your kids in SA using Sonlight.
Take care. Enjoy your baby and your wonderful family. God bless
Wow, what great story! Well done to you!
Your story makes us looking forward with even more anticipation to our 8th miracle due in 3months. We had two horrible hospital births (stay away from the maternity unit), one beautiful home water birth, one planned home birth, ending in Mowbrays Active Birth Unit due to complications and then again three amazing home water births.
Hope you have a blessed weekend and enjoy your little bundle of joy!
Hi L, It sounds like you have done it all!!! I really wish you all the best for your #8. Have a great weekend!
Hi S, He knew you weren’t looking, and quickly snuck out!!! The best thing you can do to get yourself going is to read and read and use whatever you need and leave the rest! Great timing with your question I have a se7en homeschool questions post looming and I will add yours to it! Have a lovely weekend!
I didn’t want to read this until I had time to PROPERLY absorb the MIRACLE of it all… and you my friend have captured a beautiful and amazing birth. What a fantastically wondrous time… I am in awe of you and your ability to juggle birth and kids and friends and midwives and still create the most lovely birthing environment.
Every birth should be this beautiful.
May the beauty of this miracle and this birth continue to bring you joy, love, peace, wonder and love!!!
You are an awesome mama and I am absolutely elated for you.
CONGRATS a hundred times a hundred!
Thank-you K-M, We are all totally and madly in love with our little guy!!! It is so hard to believe that he is a week and a half old already – I think time is flying by much too fast!!! Take care and thank-you for taking the time to read this epic!!!