Se7en Review: Sam Stern’s Get Cooking…

I said this was the month of cook book reviews and we had this one out of the library. Normally when we review a book we wander through it and pick se7en recipes – I would be be seriously stretching the truth if I said we made just se7en recipes from this book. There is so much to cook and try in this one that you just have to get stuck in!!!


This cook book doesn’t mess around with airy fairy notes and essays. It is a recipe book through and through. Divided into eight main sections, not your typical starters, soups, mains etc, but rather it is divided into food groups: tomatoes, cheese, pasta, vegi’s, meat, potatoes, chocolate and sweet stuff

I love that in between his recipes he has some classic basics, like how to make croutons. And a great section at the end with some essential basics: pastry, dressings, and salads – brilliant – no messing around, just what you need!!!

If you want to meet Sam Stern then head over to his website… I think his books are great to for keeping kids cooking when they get beyond wanting to make cupcakes and before they are ready for the humdrum of everyday cooking. Let’s face it they can get excited about great recipe books like this they might never fall into the humdrum at all!!!

Here we go with a sampling of se7en recipes (I confess we got a bit hung up in the chocolate section and for good reason!!!):

  1. Baked Egg Stuffed Tomatoes: These were inspired, why have I never thought of these!!!
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  3. Homestyle Poppyseed Crackers: We turned ours into animal crackers – brilliant I know we are going to make these more often!!!
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  5. Spanakopita – Greek Cheese Filo Pie: Anything with filo pastry is easy and impressive and this didn’t fail to impress our guests!!!
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  7. Top Sausage Yorkshires: These were brilliant fun, mini “toads in the hole,” my kids were really taken with the novelty of these and a bit of a change from the lunch menu!!!
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  9. Frozen Chocolate Banana Sticks: Well the name says it all, man!, these are fabulous!!! Quick and easy and I have seen them before but we tried them and they are now a staple on the menu!!!
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  11. Hot Chocolate Fudge Pudding: We didn’t have icing sugar for topping but who cares this is divine and we have been making it again and again and well again!!!
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  13. American Pancakes: We just adore pancakes and a recipe book never passes through our house without the “perfect pancake test”… dripping with syrup – we only just survived!!!
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That’s it – We give this book a clear thumbs up!!! Give it a try!!!

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