Well it has been a while since I showed you a spot around our house, but we have been home and pottering about and not an outing in sight. As long as the wind blows we will continue to be home and pottering!!! And it occurred to me when I was looking at our past New Year Posts… that we blog… we are actually bloggers trundling out posts day after day!!! And bloggers have certain tools of the trade… mine are a diary, scraps of paper, a laptop and my camera, everything else is just luxury. So I thought I would show you my blogspot. I know I see awesome bloggers and their awesome workspaces and sometimes I think just WOW… but this is my regular old bloggers blogspot, wires and all. Because I just can’t believe people blog without wires everywhere…. So here it is:
Next to where I sit is a book shelf:
The top shelf has reference books. Everything from London, to Italy, Applied Math and Art… not to mention good reads. It also has our word games and a couple of gifts that haven’t reached their destination yet. Oh and my back-up disk, that I plug in on Friday nights – I am a little bit paranoid about back-ups!!!
And the shelf below is really all the blog stuff… On the left is a bunch of impending GiveAways and/or book reviews and everything I need to post them on their merry way… envelopes and markers and such!!! The wire bound books are the kids art books for this year – I always google the painting of the week and need this near my computer. And my Bible, which I read in the morning before typing my password and going onto my computer… I fear I would never get around to reading it if I didn’t do it that way.
In the center is my stationary… and I don’t really need anything beside a pencil to blog, but I love Sharpies for mailing things and markers for color and my special pens… that no-one else has anything like, so they don’t wander!!!
And on the right… well let’s just say I have issues with moleskins!!! AND a moleskin for everything!!! And a few bits of inspiration, sketch books and places where I can get inspired to let my mind wander and get ideas!!! And angels my sister made for me for Christmas and they are so darling that I can’t pack them away for the year!!! The angels are next to a pack of wet wipes – because I often get sticky visitors and I need to be ready for them. And they are sitting on the kids science DVD’s for school this year that I always say we will watch next week but I just can’t get around to it… They love them but I never seem to think of putting movies on – any movies… and I will have to remedy this now that I have told the world!!!
The desk top is pretty dull… My diary on the right – where I keep impending blog posts. Normally my camera is plonked on top of it ready to snap (but I was using it for the pics). The battery charger is right there as well… last thing at night the battery goes on charge and first thing the next morning it gets popped back into the camera. Hanging on my screen is my United Against Malaria bangle,… just to remind me to pray a couple of times a day for people who are feeling rotten with malaria.
I know you want a peep at my diary… and this weeks impending posts… not a whole lot planned!!! But I do have to figure out how to make a chair out of a bottle cap for Lilla A…
On the left of my laptop is a scrap of blank paper… fresh at the start of each week and I scribble on it all week long… it gets filled up with things to remember and things to think about and potential projects, doodles and scribbles… scrap: my brain on paper!!! It is also where little offerings are left for me – you can see a feather and a letter have already been left in love…
Here’s the letter: That would be us!!! (And I should be so skinny!!!)
So that’s the Blogspot… Hopefully we will have an outing for you next week!!!
I love posts like this! It is great fun to actually see your ‘blogspot’ and imagine you sitting there typing away. 🙂
Hi Karen, Thanks for stopping by!!! So glad you like the blog spot!!! Have a great day!!!
Love your spot … I see a few ideas I may borrow.
Mrs. H
Thanks again Mrs. H… I have to say I just love and adore looking at other peoples spaces – they always look so much more interesting than my own!!! I hope you have a lovely day!!!