Another Week of Sunshine…
And we are still not complaining!!! And don’t even ask how many photos it took to get that one!!!
Well it wasn’t all sunshine… there were one or two murky days: hot, sticky and so windy it looked like the ocean was flowing backwards!!!
And a lonely pink piece of popcorn…
Charlotte keeps at it…
And the corn is corning!!!
Lots of totally unscheduled and fun outings…
And farewells to best friends…
And long conversations…
Launching of my biggest…
And smallest…
There were caves…
And hiding…
And seeking…
There was painting…
And where is that little person’s paper? It was really quite enough for him to play with the paints…
And chalking…
And quick dry cLay…
Here is the offering on my desk for the week:
And yes we got to the library…
And I am reading this one a loud to my younger boys, who are hanging on every word and loving it!!! You can visit the Dinotopia website – it is fabulous!!!
Meanwhile this is what the Hoods got up to:
Hood #1: Who knew you could make a cadalac from a cereal box!!!
And here’s the driver… (there go some more safety pins!!!)
Hood #2: Finished up science.
Hood #3: Finished up history.
Hood #4: Made me a pile of hearts. Tis the season!!!
And whipped up a drum set!!! Because that is what one does before breakfast – didn’t you know!!!
Hood #5: Found this little river crab.
Hood #6: Made a home for a wasp!!!
Hood #7: Would not stop swimming!!!
Hood #8: Took on Rock Climbing…
And he is the king of the watermelon…
And waiting in queues!!!
And that’s us!!!
Hope your week is full of Happy Hearts!!!
Such a sunny beautiful world! Such sunny creative kids! What amazing blessings all around YOU!!!!
Hey there lovely bunch of people!! I was wondering today, how and when do you do your shopping? I only have three children and I find shopping takes way too much time. I would like more time for relaxing, and so do my kids. Any tips? Thanks for your gorgeous website + ideas.
Hay KM, Always so good to hear from you … you are such a fab fan club I tell you!!! You are the best!!! Hope you have a happy happy week!!!
Love that last picture! I’m drooling over the sunny weather and pool!
Mrs. H
Hi there Johanneke!!! Good to hear from you!!! Great question… I would love to say that we don’t shop!!! But we do… but not a lot!!! Our shopping is carefully planned and gets more and more streamlined. We do a big monthly shop and we have pretty much figured out how many packets of rice or tubes of toothpaste or whatever we need for the month. I don’t meal plan exactly but I do know we eat pizza on Saturday, roast dinner for my mom in law on Wednesday… so we eat routinely and shop accordingly. All that goes into the big monthly shop which we do together on a Saturday – usually at lunch time because the shops empty out then. Once a month makes it a bit of a novelty and I always get rewarded with a latte for surviving it!!! Anything else we need the father person grabs on the way home from work. And for little things that we need right now – well my big kids love running errands and often dash to the store for a bottle of milk – because a cow just wouldn’t fit in our yard!!! So during the week I don’t shop at all… and would never dream of “dashing” to the store!!! I have blogged our shopping habits… Hope you are enjoying the sunshine!!!
Hay Mrs. H. I know how you feel about the sunshine!!! In the heart of winter and the depths of our school year most of our blog friends are on summer vacation sending out glorious pics of happy days at the beach!!! Meanwhile my kids are asking when it is there turn for snow!!! Not anytime soon, I dare say!! Hope you have a good week!!!