So the weather was a bit dreadful, by our Capetownian standards. This means it was just a bit too windy to live. But I am determined to get outdoors with my guys and draw stuff every week… we are armed with sketchbooks and pencils and we just needed a place that wouldn’t rearrange our hairdo’s quite so much!!! So we headed for a sheltered spot…

My sisters garden. I love this spot. I grew up here. It’s my turf so to speak…

Old familiar cracked walls… gotta love…

We explored…

We clambered:

We even found places to stay… if you are a chicken!!!

We examined the wildlife…

And there is a whole lot of it!!!

We found some treasures…

And even some chores…

We had to find a good spot to draw…

We did a whole lot of drawing…

We drew and drew…

Even I drew…

And as we were leaving we noticed that the tree tomato was doing it’s fruity best!!!

So I sent my workforce up the tree and we came home with a cache of these delights…

Not to mention we found a big bunch of bananas in the banana tree!!!

A perfect day in “the country.” Hope you are having a fun week!!!
That looks like a neat place! Your children are all beautiful, and the littlest one is soooo cute!
What an amazing day you had! Great new memories made for your children while you were able to reminisce on your memories of old!
Such a lovely spot! I have never heard of tree tomatoes–I wonder if they are known by a different name in the US?
Lovely photos!
Oh my, what an interesting, sheltered place. Lots of ovey drawings, to boot. Fascintaed by the idea of tree tomatoes. Leaves look different, but is the fruit like the ones grown on the vine?
Hi Meg writes… Here’s a link to tree tomatoes…They are totally delicious – sort of half way between a tomato and a granadilla… yummy!!! Thanks for stopping by again and again!!! I hope you have a great week!!!
Hi Karen M, Yup a great day … lots of fun!!! Thanks for stopping by… hope you have fabulous day too!!!
Hay Olivia… Nice to hear from you again!!! Glad you liked them and hope you have a brilliant day!!!
Hi Cheryl. They are pretty weird!!! They grow on a tree, look a bit like tomatoes but taste more like granadillas… I found a link here for you to check out. Have a great day!!!
Looks like my kinda garden – lots of nooks and crannies!!
Blessed Easter to you 10!! x
What a gorgeous and lovely day in the COUNTRY! I would love to live on farm… I don’t know if I’d like all the “chores”— but all that other stuff sure looks fun!!! HAPPY EASTER!!!!
Hay KM, I am taking days to reply I am a little swamped with school and a million crafts half done and so on and so on!!! Thank goodness for a long weekend!!! You would not believe it but that garden is not truly in the country… My folks have a double plot in suburbia – ok it is on the side of a mountain – but pretty suburban!!! I could never live in the country – I always think I can – but I need my city comforts… I love take-out coffee and the library and well just noise and people and book shops!!! Yup, I have to confess I am not a country gal – even though I always think I would love to go and live in the countryside – I would probably drive everyone bats the first day!!!
Your posts always make me smile, but you know that seeing your lovely artwork makes me very happy! Keep up the fab work.
Oh Julie K, You are so kind!!! Do you have a long weekend, like we are having a long weekend, in your part of the world or does life just go on… It is pretty great as we live out the last days of summer to get a long weekend thrown in. Hope you have a good weekend whatever it is!!!
No long weekend for us, but we had gorgeous weather. Getting warmer for us, but colder for you.
Oh Julie K, We spattered with holidays right now!!! A spate of three day weeks and I must say I have no idea what day of the week it is!!! Just crazy… and yes it is getting really much colder here… and I am never ready for the cold!!! Hope you have a fun week!!!
Lovely garden…and great drawing. How I wish I could draw like that….how could I ever learn?
BTW, still soooo appreciative that you went full post on your feeds.
Oh Inca, Glad you like our full feeds… Gladder you like our drawings… I guess we just do a lot of it!!! And we all enjoy it… I make a point of building up my artists and they are all happy artists – I learn that from my kids – they never say “this is dreadful” they either discard or keep at it… That’s about where I am at!!! hope you have a fabulous weekend!!!