Would someone just tell me what is happening to time… I seem to be on some sort of warp… I guess when your week starts on Tuesday and Wednesday is a public holiday and you spend the whole of Friday glued to the telly watching a wedding… hmmm I do actually know where the time is going, I am just wishing it would slow down just a touch and let me back on – I think I am getting left WAY behind!!!
Would you look at that… bit closer… helloo that is rain!!! Days of precipitation!!!
YAYAYAYAY…. and it was freezing by our warm-blooded standards…
And thank heavens the sun has come out because I can only do so much winter and so much laundry hanging in wet racks and then I have had enough… quite enough!!!
And while it was mostly gloomy out doors it was nothing like that indoors…
Some folk around here don’t know that the seasons have changed…
Some are positively ignorant…
But “Jo Public” has gotten the idea and our beach is emptying and very soon it will become our glorious playground…
Otherwise it has been a week of heaps of visitors… heaps and heaps and associated pizza’s…
And this was perhaps the finest visitor… no offense friends…
And this monster presiding over it all..
There were games with granny…
And more games…
And brotherly love…
Reading of books…
And more books…
And speed… is the new in thing…
And won’t mention that if you actually lift your feet you will go so much faster!!!
And then there was arting of the very sticky variety…
Deep concentrated arting…
Hours of it before returning to planet earth!!!
And then there was that Royal wedding… let’s see if you can figure out… who loved the whole event the most and found it hysterically funny…
Did you guess correctly?
Just checking…
Some of us were transfixed…
And some were immobilized…
And some dressed for the event, tie and all…
And others…
Were more focused on the impending scones…
But everyone wanted to know who these guys were and would they be interested in playing or do they ride in coaches and wave all day… Well not so much all day… and they probably do play but they are not near enough to us for a visit!!!
And the artwork of the week has to be from Hood #1’s Owlbooks gallery…
And our book of the week… The Calvin and Hobbes Collection has vanished off the shelf and is lurking on the top bunk… I think I may have finely got my beginner reader reading for pleasure… Asterix was okay, but Calvin is right up his street – he relates!!! I know why, peas in a pod and all that!!!
"The Indispensable Calvin And Hobbes (Calvin & Hobbes)" (Bill Watterson)
And this is what the Hoods got up to:
Hood #1: Lives up a tree… sometimes I wonder if he will ever come down!!!
Maybe that’s why all his knees look like this…
Hood #2: Seriously… speed is in.
Could his passenger be more excited…
Hood #3: A friend gave us a table for the little people in our house – they love it… But someone loves it the most!!!
Hood #4: Would like to demonstrate the “stretch of the neck…” fabulous you nut!!!
And just how little time it takes to get school done in a day…
Hood #5: Was the hardest to pull away from our industrial village building – so we left him to it!!!
Hood #6: I have nothing to do with her hairdo’s but I think they are so cute!!!
Hood #7: Is taking charge of pillaging the fruit bowl. And I can’t see her because she is upside down.
Hood #8: Has taken to presiding over the dinner table, no more sitting on his mother’s knee… he is the man of the house and we had better believe it!!!
And that was our week… Hope you have a totally fabulous one!!!
The calvin and hobbes made me laugh! My youngest has been engrossed in this same book all week. I have listened to probably hundreds of comics this week. She is a reluctant reader so I am happy to oblige. Love reading your blog. Thanks!
You know that these posts are my very favorites, don’t you?
I mean— sooo much happiness, and they leave me feeling that Happiness, too.
I’ll never tire of them. 🙂
Hay Dana… Glad you love our blog… My kids have all loved Calvin and Hobbes, lets face it…. what’s not to love!!! Hope you have a brilliant week!!!
Hay Stephanie… So glad to share the happiness…You know I love your busy little people right back!!! Hope you spring keeps on springing!!! Lots of love…
Fabulous. we had scones and cream for the Royal Wedding too. Not forgetting the cups of tea. Lovely day we all had celebrating and watching with friends. Much better view than actually making the trip to London. Olympics here we come next year!
So colourful and happy. Love the vivid blue sky backdrop. Hood 8’s face on the skateboard is priceless.
We loved the Royal wedding too. Pretty sure the page boys don’t spend every day riding on carriages. Not a common site over here, but maybe I just haven’t noticed. I’ll keep my eyes open and let you know!
Love reading your posts!!!
Hay Katherine… Always good to hear from you. Oh how wonderful to be right there!!! We were hoping to be there by the Olympics – but it isn’t going to work out… What can I say you had better totally enjoy it for us!!! Hope you have a fun week!!!
Oh Cheryl… You mean to say you do not have royalty driving around the countryside in golden carriages, waving at the crowds… there are going to be a lot of disappointed hoods!!! I guess folks think because we live in Africa we have lions and elephants roaming the streets – but alas, none of that!!! Hope you all have a good week!!!
Hay Jo, Happy Sleuthing!!! Hope you have a good week!!!
Hood #1 definitely needs to go into creating books for children! Amazing detail and creativity!
And I love Hood #6 hairstyles…creativity of another kind!
I am in aw at how you, Moma, does it. Your children are so happy looking and you are able to keep them entertained and interested in school and you have 8 and I have 2. I would love to be able to have you come and train me to be the Godly moma you are. I saw your post on the little village a few days ago and it clicked with me that this is it do more crafty stuff and make it available to my kids but base it around a book that we are reading. Now if I can jsut get my to sit long enough for me to read abook. I know you use Sonlight and I read up on your schooling and how you got things to all come together. You have some great organizational skills that I am lacking but, praying for and gradually changing. I gave up on Sonlight because I felt I had to do too much and I have a reluctant reader( he can read but thinks he should be able to read all words without my help, he’s 7). Anyway if there is a particular post that you think I could benefit from or posts I would love it. Or just a thought on what I am doing wrong. Thank ;you Jessica
Hay Aunty Muffin… Talking of creative kids, I loved reading your new bloggers blog!!! Fabulous!!! Hope you are having a fun week… looking forward to Monday!!!
Hi Jessica… I fear I paint too rosy a picture!!! Remember a blog is just a snapshot of life… and we have our ups and downs, never a dull moment to be fair!!! But I much prefer to blog about the ups than the downs… So most likely you aren’t doing anything wrong at all, take a look at all the things you are doing right instead!!! And I have a slow to get going reader right now, but I have the confidence of having one before and surviving!!! ANd now can’t pluck the child from a book so I know it will just take time… I am sure your kiddo will be a fine reader in the long run!!! have a good week and thanks for stopping by…
My 4.5 yr old does her hair just like Hood #6. So cute. I so love all that you and your family do!
Thank you for the email. And I know it can’t be all rosey in families and thank you for reminding me that there are the tuff moments in other families. But, thank you for you blog because it is encouraging. Do you have one book that you read that was a good tool in raising your boys?
I have three kids. 13year old boy, 10 and 9 year old girls. Your blog inspires me daily.. Keep it up!!
HI Kiasa, So glad you enjoy your read and thanks for stopping by!!! Hope you have a great day!!!
Hi Jessica, Sorry I have had a problem with my comments and getting back to you, but I am back!!! I do have a great book/author for raising boys… Steve Biddulph writes fantastic books. They are really quick and easy reads and make so much sense!!! Hope you have a great day!!! Take a look at Raising Boys: Why Boys Are Different – and How to Help Them Become Happy and Well-Balanced Men
Hay Jo, So happy I to hear I inspire anyone!!! Hope you have a great day!!!
Just gorgeous photos. Love Hood#7’s pixie look! Too cute!! I’m afraid Hood #6 seems to have started a trend…