I have blogged about Pinterest before and I will blog about it again and again… I recently discovered something so cool about Pinterest, but I had such a busy week that I didn’t get to share it… Sorry guys, you will have to wait!!! Meantime I really wanted to Join Simple Organic and their project form Pinterest to Real Life:

I think it is time to start actually doing some of the bazillion projects that I have pinned. This time I chose to do quick and easy toddler projects. Nothing groundbreaking – just a bit of quick Saturday fun with my little guys… Here you go:
- Butterfly Foot-Prints…
- Hand Print Giraffes…
- A Sidewalk Chalk King:
- Stick and Lick Popsicles.
- Plastic lid flowers…
- Hanging Lady Bugs…
- Toilet Roll Car…
- A Sweet Foot Print Witch…

And the se7en + 1th Thing:

That’s us!!!
Meanwhile, I found this really cool button over on ClickinMoms.. If you like it – Pin it!!! So if you see something on our blog that you like please feel free to pin it to your board… gotta love being pinned!!!
I am so happy to see all of your REAL LIFE projects! SO DARLING… all of them!!!! Aren’t you glad you finally got going with pinterest? I always love it when you pin something because I know I will love it TOO! We think the same like that. 🙂 🙂 :):) xoxoxoxoxox
Yay! Plenty more to do now with all those bottle tops.
i am LOVING this post – the footprint crafts are too sweet! and you know how I looooove pinterest. how clever to add the pin it button, going to try on my next post! will pin yours now to get the ball rolling! xx
Oh Olivia… Bottle tops…IS it possible to write a post on se7en bazzillion things + 1 to do with bottle tops!!! Hope you have a fine week… Can’t believe the weekend is over already!!!
Hi Kerry – How cool is that button!!! I have seen some posts with a buttons for a particular photograph – but I am loving one for my page!!! I am going to pop one in my “Se7en’s Web” column – on the right hand side later tonight… because then if some one loves something it is so easy for them to just pin it!! Love love love Pinterest!!! Hope you have a fun week…
Very cute! I hadn’t seen the footprint butterflies yet – will have to pin those myself. Found you from Simple Organic’s link up!
NotJustAnotherJennifer, Hi there, Isn’t that a brilliant idea for a link up from Simple Organic!!! I love the idea and so love that it got me doing… rather than just pinning!!! Thanks for stopping by – hope you have a great day!!!
Love the cute crown!
Thanks Nisha, We had a lot of fun with this post!!! Have a good week!!!
Thanks for linking up with SO! I love the giraffe best. 🙂
Hi Nicole… Thanks so much for forcing me to actually do something with all our lovely pins!!! To be honest I love to just pin and get my fill with eye candy!!! Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!