Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun #121… And the Great Garage Challenge…


Welcome to our Friday Fun… Here are our fun links from around the web this week, and finally some action on the dreaded garage…

  1. You have to have to have to have to go and take a peek at Design Mom’s Olive Us Launch… her cute kids dashing about the garden!!!
  2. Just loved this Pegboards in the Kitchen Gallery and if that wasn’t enough then there were Mudpie Kitchen’s to Inspire all on Apartment Therapy.
  3. Since we are looking at cool collections…11 Inspiring Writing Centers on Playful Learning…
  4. Love the Double Page Spread Challenge… on Tinkerlab… surely, surely I can do this!!!
  5. And since we are looking at inspiration take a look at these fabulous moleskin journals: The Hike Guys moleskins…
  6. Did you know? We were on Colour Me There… this week. Seriously I nearly died of excitement.
  7. Did you know? That I love Alisa Burke and her courses and she is having a Sale on her courses until the 23rd…
  8. And the se7en + 1th Thing…

  9. So got totally stuck into the garage project last week… and made a serious dent in the garage situation… This week was definitely the week to get rid of stuff… out it all went.
  • The tumble dryer… sold!!!
  • The strange and eclectic donatables…
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    Went after a couple of calls to a local township…

  • And the huge pile of boxes…
  • DSC_0278

    Took an afternoon to squash… Yes a whole afternoon and this is what it reduced to – not exactly a great reduction is it? Because you might think that boxes are empty… but they aren’t!!! They contain product packaging. There is no way on this earth that anyone would actually put a product into a box and ship it. No, it has to be wrapped and rewrapped, boxed and re-boxed and then wrapped again. And when the packaging looks ready to explode you stuff the tiny product and all the packaging into a huge box. Those boxes are not potential projects – there is no novelty in abundance. If there were one or two boxes maybe, but when they are so many boxes they are just a burden and they had to go.


    Let me just have a mini tirade here:

    I loathe and detest packaging, I am lazy like that… I want to get at my stuff without having to search for it amongst layers of cardboard, shrink foam and plastic. It has nothing to do with being green, it has everything to do with being a waste of time and money and resources. It is not enough that someone wasted their time and energy creating all this packaging and let’s be honest most of it is superfluous, but now someone has to waste time and energy recycling it – BAH!!! I loathe packaging – all packaging: I do not want my vegetables covered in plastic; or my food to arrive in my kitchen and then have to be dismantled; why must toothpaste come in tubes and boxes; let’s not talk about toys (and a big reason why I don’t buy them… can’t stand the packaging); I do not want to buy clothes wrapped in a cardboard sleeve; I do not want to buy appliances that come wrapped in boxes that have boxes within them – that contain nothing but air – seriously, how many boxes within boxes did we squash and they never had anything in them, except air. Do I choose the products I buy because of the packaging … I certainly do. Less is better, much less is even better. When I get home I want to access the item without any type of tool: industrial scissors, pliers, screwdriver or leather man… Just no. I have to say no to packaging, I really can’t stand the stuff.

And the recycling truck took the lot without even batting an eye!!!

This is where, Moving into Week 4, I would normally quit and walk away from this project – 80% of the job is done… But because I am doing the challenge I have to keep going… I must say I am enjoying the look of all that space!!!


This week all I have to do is sort through these shelves: Toss and organize and basically just put things where they belong… I know, something about putting things away – just elusive!!!


And we definitely need to make a bike rack for all those bikes… we have the wood… Just gotta do the job!!!

That’s us – Hope you are having a fun weekend!!!

6 Replies to “Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun #121… And the Great Garage Challenge…”

  1. Ah, when we used to move more, you should have seen the PILES and PILES of boxes and paper wrap (cushioning) that we would get. However, since having kids, we would take ALL those BOXES and all that wrap and the kids would make a box castle, and paper boulders and generally, happily play for about a week (which is about as long as it took us to find the contents of said boxes a home). Luckily, we have always lived where there is an active recycle program and someone will come pick up all the boxes and take them to a recycling center.

  2. Hay Christine… Found you doing some weekend reading!!! Piles and piles of boxes that no-one can stand to part with – just in case!!! Well the mean mother strode out and asked the recycling man… that normally takes a bag or two – if he would take our collection. No problem… was I relieved, I had visions of it returning all over the house as folk hide it under their beds and in closets and so on… Disaster averted and off it went!!! I could actually finish this by the end of the month – one of those”wish the end of the month was coming” – “Hope it doesn’t arrive too soon” kind of months!!! Hope you have a good week!!!

  3. and then you still sit with a complete concrete block solidified in its original packaging – gaaaahh 🙂
    sorry I just had to 🙂

  4. Thanks Zoe… I must say I went through a time when I thought – bleh, but now that we have all that space – I am eager to press on to the end!!! Thanks for the encouragement!!! Hope you have a brilliant week!!!

  5. Gaaah Irene!!! I could really get going!!! Like why are eggs in boxes and then plastic and then cardboard – surely egg boxes are enough!!! Surely!!! And toys… Oh my word: screwed to the box and then tied on with wire ties and then coated in cling wrack and popped in a box with a plastic window… and then you carry it home in a shopping bag and gift wrap it!!! Just sigh… No!!! Thanks for stopping by!!!

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