For a long time we had more than a few folk that were too little to go for anything other than the shortest walk. Suddenly my kids are old enough to go for a walk in the neighborhood with only one person needing a ride from time to time… we are mostly mobile!!! And so it has been the year of afternoon walks and weekend ambles…

A couple of weeks ago I posted a walk up the mountain behind our house, my kids have been charged with the task of finding flights of stairs for me to climb… at least every weekend!!! And find them they have… but I thought I would show you how the weather has changed. Because even though we live in sunny South Africa and even though we don’t get snow in our part of the world and even though we deny winter in the hopes that it will go away, even I have to admit it has been wet and pretty grim. And it is only May. Hopefully we will be surprised with some warm days yet… Anyway the thing about our rain is that it comes in spells. Even on the rainiest day you can find a patch of time to dash out for a quick walk and fresh air…

So, I have been chasing little legs up stairs… Plenty of stairs…

Past beautiful old beach cottages that are being transformed into concrete monstrosities…

Beautiful Vynbos gardens…

Interesting gates…

Views of the beach…

Hoping to spot our first whales of the season. We know the bay will soon be full of them…

Bridges, with more stairs…

Then waiting for those same legs to rest!!!

Watching big brothers… Doing a bit of boulder hopping…

And sea gulls getting ready for bed…

Watching the waves…

The nicest thing about living two seconds walk away from the beach is that a winter beach is a wonderfully, quiet, unspoiled place to take a walk. Those waves look so calm, but they smash and roar against the shore…

Dashing home before the next showers come pouring down…

Racing the rain…

Some of us elected to stay home out of the cold…

And the rest of us made it home before dark…

For tea and cake…

A typical weekend, wintry amble…
oh, yes, denying winter… I soooooo understand that. BUT it doesn’t make it go away and my feet are constantly cold – freeeeezing in fact. Let’sa really hope the current temperatures are not the picture we anticipate in the middle of it all 🙂
Hay Irene, Denial, denial, denial… and then it rains for three days straight home and you pretend not to notice that the house the laundry and everything in it is dripping!!! But today is sunny and we are allot with the laundry thawing!!! Hope your feet warm up and your week is great!!!
It’s my turn to offer some blue sky to you, my friend. Finally got some of our own. Love the views that you are finding as you climb all the steps. That gate is beautiful with the sea behind it.
Oh Cheryl I saw your blue skies… One of the sixty posts I have open in tabs to comment on!!! Glorious sunshine over there!!! While we have pretty grim skies!!! Normally our weather only gets this bad in July – it has been really cold and wet over here!!! Hope you have a great week, lots of love from down south!!!
Love, love, love your post! Your weekend amble is amazing…I loved the garden and cool gate. I loved it all! Thanks for sharing. This is so fun to visit new places through blogs.
Hi Charissa!!! So great of you to stop by!!! I know what you mean – I just love linking up here and then doing a fab round the world read – so fun!!! And wonderful to see what other folk get up to!!! Have a great week!!!
Wow, what a wonderful place! And I feel like I’ve virtually visited 🙂 What a terrific idea to get the whole family out for a walk!