Se7en’s December and Free Printable Advent Calendar…


Hello, we are back from a whole week off blogging… and loved every second of it!!! Our blog didn’t fade away as I thought it would, in fact it just kept on chugging!!! But I did miss all our on-line friends!!! I will post about our adventures next… Meanwhile… we’ve made a special calendar for you this month… we have a Christmas village and we have a simpler Nativity scene too.

December Village 2012002

Click on the images, they will open in a new tab… and print them out (print them landscape it just works better!!!). If you live with a couple of inspired artists get them to decorate/colour the calendars. Then, the trick is while your children are busy on something else to whip a craft knife out and carefully cut along the dotted edges of the village windows… (Only part of three sides of each window have dotted lines). Pop them on the fridge with the village above the nativity scene. On the correct day open the window and your Nativity scene will appear as December rolls by…


Meanwhile here are our links and ideas to add to your calendars and explore during the busy month of December…


9 Replies to “Se7en’s December and Free Printable Advent Calendar…”

  1. ohhh my heavens… that calendar is just precious and amazing! I can’t even look at all your fantastic links… eeeeek! so much to do in DECEMBER! I’m going to come back and look at your links and mark them for next year for sure!!! xoxoxoxox

  2. Hay Busy Friend, Katherine-Marie… Thrilled that you liked the calendar!!! It is crazy around here too… funny how busy we are and getting totally nothing done though… everyday ends the same way – a christmas story and sleeeeeep. At least we are getting that right!!!

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