Flying by… that’s June… Dashing by faster than we can believe… Can you believe nearly half the year has passed. Winter has arrived in full force… rainy day after rainy day after rainy day…

Our very next post is about our drawing project… If you don’t know about our fabulous project – never fear, you can join in anytime you like!!! If you are new here, then click on the image to take you to take a peak at the project…

Here are this weeks lovely links…
- A Beautiful Mess never fails to surprise and delight… take a look at this photo graphics playing cards!!! Just totally love them…
- you know I am going to link to Alisa Burke – every week there is something lovely going on over there… this week she has a new course and she is giving away a ticket: Snap Shot Delight… Go, go , go and leave a comment already – her courses are totally, totally fab and instrumental in me getting my drawing in gear.
- Cape Town schools have closed for their Winter Break, and I was going to do a post on things to do with your kids… why invent the wheel: Becoming You has done a fabulous job of it: How to Keep Kids Entertained in Cape Town. And another great post for Cape Town kids… Cape Town Tourism: Indoors and Outdoors…
- Just totally loved these Painted feathers… on
- Did you see these Macgyver tricks on Apartment Therapy? And in case you missed it, also on Apartment Therapy: A Little History of the Fisher Price Little People.
- Time to Craft and Sleeping Snakes… this post knocked our socks off… suddenly we need a field instead of a postage stamp sized garden!!!
- Playing by the Book has had a week of awesome blogging… Refugee Week… with one brilliant post after another, I have totally loved this series to bits…
- A Blast From the Past: And here are a couple of links to posts, this week, from previous years… And since this Sunday is Father’s Day over here, I thought I would pop up a list of our previous Father’s Day Posts…
- 2009: Se7en Recipes and Tios for Bulk (Frugal) Vegetable Shopping.
- 2010: Sunday Snippet: Bullies in Training.
- 2011: Se7en Million Fairy Tale Puppets.
- 2012: In a Deep Mid-Winter… Who was Who? and What was What? way back in 1957.
And the se7en + 1th link:
And that’s us – hoping you are all having a fun weekend… arting, reading, resting, playing… !!!
So glad you enjoyed my week of posts – thanks very much for sharing them 🙂 Off to check out the painted feathers…
Loved your posts this week Zoe… huge amount of work went into those fabulous posts – well done!!!
Thanks for linking to our willow snake post. It would be fun to have one of these in your garden!
Cheryl, That is simply the coolest garden addition I have seen in forever – totally love it!!! Hope you are having a much warmer week than we are!!! It is cold, cold, cold over here!!!