When You Live With a Five Year Old Blogger…

When you are the youngest of eight, there is always someone around to keep you company… there are pros and cons to this of course. Just lately we have been in a really busy season and our littlest man has found himself home alone, with all his siblings off on outings or even better out and about with just me… I thought you might like to take a peak into the life of a five year old blogger…

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Out and About

A trip to the Waterfront is all about the flags…

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And why are all those kids dressed the same?

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And did you see this particular flag?

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And the music… wow… lets just sit and listen…

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And those flags…

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And watch that wheel…

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And oh, he’s gone… (have you ever notices a small door?)…

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Nope he is back again…

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And I have climbed that mountain…

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And I have always wanted to see a real live zebra… (it’s real, but not quite living…)

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Would you look at ALL those shoes…

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And I love this music…

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And there are so many tables to sit at around here… (yup, those are restaurants… if you sit there you have to eat there… insert long discussion here!!!)

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And is that the same flag that we saw earlier? It sure is… maybe we should take a look at its ship one day…

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Brilliant Books

And we had to get home and bake… (yes we have some looming cookbook reviews)

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Meanwhile this weeks library books:

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I read the Best Lowly Worm Book all the time, whenever I have a moment… but my favourite that has to be read out loud all the time is… (you can’t beat this book for funky rhythm and rhyme!!!):

Something Crafty

All blog posts should have something crafty… and I have been making cakes all week for our cuppaforCANSA…

You will need plasticine, and a box of beads…

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Roll out a ball of plasticine, so that it looks like a cookie…

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Press as many colourful beads into your plasticine as you can…

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And there you go… a heap of cakes just ready for a tea party…

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Meanwhile, don’t forget to stop by this post and leave a comment and tell us where in the world you live – we really are dying to know!!!

8 Replies to “When You Live With a Five Year Old Blogger…”

  1. Hay Lori, So good to hear from you… fun day indeed, so lovely to see what is vitally important to a five year old!!!

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