Many events pass us by, many happenings go unnoticed… but when I heard that the Rainbow Warrior would be in Cape Town and that they were giving free tours I knew we would do anything to get there. Honestly, as someone who has sailed the ocean blue, this is a bit of a dream come true for me and I was excited to pass it on to our kids. Our kids are no strangers to green living, not to mention GreenPeace. So yesterday we headed out to the Waterfront and got a very fun tour from GreenPeace Africa’s extremely friendly volunteers… who must have answered about a bazillion questions from my gang.

The V and A Waterfront
We got there early enough and took an amble across the Waterfont…

Past the business breakfasts…

Plenty of ships and shipping…

And boats of course…

This is a working harbour…

We were lucky enough to get there when either the whole world was working, or just surfacing and there was pretty much nobody else around. And there she was in all her glory…

The Rainbow Warrior…

Right there…

I think “exciting times…” doesn’t begin to cover it. Heaps of very patient and energetic tour guides and plenty of fun things to learn about…

The Tour of Tours

The tour begins with an introduction to solar power…

Solar cookers and useful solar gadgets…

And don’t you love solar bugs…

Then we bumped into our friends from GreenPop and we were literally so excited we forgot to take a photograph… but next week I will be blogging about them so watch this space.

Then there was some bannering…

And extremely willing participants…

And I am guessing by the end of the tour this will be a very colourful banner…

And then we went on Board…

Onto the foredeck with Dave the Dolphin…

And his hidden time capsule…


And history…

And safety…

And onto the Bridge

More than a few captains on board, ahem…

Rapt attention, and a little surprise for the foredeck…

We got to check out the sails…

Plenty of time to Explore

Above decks…

And below decks…

So many things to look at…

I spy a bicycle… among other things…

And a project in progress.

And lots of languages to listen to – which kind of made my young French speakers quite happy. Not to mention the “how and whys” of volunteering… I think we may have some potential sailors on our hands.

And the view from the deck… can’t be beat!!!

We wouldn’t have missed this outing for the World…

Thank you GreenPeace Africa and the Rainbow Warrior for your hospitality….

What a fun day! So much to learn! My boys would be thrilled with a tour of that sort!
Connor would be thrilled with that outing – what a fun day 🙂
Oh Christi, it was a great outing… we had the best fun ever, lots to learn and plenty to do and discover. So, so pleased we had a chance to go on this tour. Hope you all have a great week!!!
Oh Marcia, it was a totally fab outing and I am so glad we just did it… perfect day, packed with memories!!! Hope you are having a fabulous week!!!
Oh my word – the rainbow warrior! She is a legend! What an outing.
I know Cat, I know… we actually went on her and got to tour around… How cool is that!!! Hope you had a good week… weekend is nearly here!!!