And Just Like that I am off to Zambia to Plant Trees with GreenPop…

So I am just interrupting my blog schedule for the week… to tell you about the happenings at GreenPop. We have blogged about them them in the past and it turns out we are going to be blogging a fair bit about them in the future. GreenPop is a local organisation that is fun and energetic and they exude endless enthusiasm for all things green… we are all for them. They are all about replanting trees, reforesting… and have a very much “We can do this attitude” in a world that often says the opposite. Their energy is contagious and they have heaps of opportunities for regular folk like you and like us, to just join in and plant trees together…

I was going to tell you about their Family Festival in Platbos…

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I was going to tell you about their Friends Festival Platbos…

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I was even going to tell you about their Trees for Zambia Project…

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But I wanted to get to know them a little better, so I popped over to their Hype Event this evening. The hype event was really their very fun presentation to show folk what the “Trees for Zambia” project is all about and my plan was to get to meet the team a little better and show our readers what these folk get up to… and tell you a little but about the event as well…

Meet the Team and Life in Zambia

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There were fabulous munchies

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All cooked on a Solar Panel, why oh why don’t we all have one of these in our garden?

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And of course dishes…

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And a magnificent mural… with small beginnings…

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That eventually became…

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We learnt about seeds…

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And trips to the hairdresser!!!

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We met up with Uncle Ben and posted my pic on instagram for the first time…

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And here is the view from our tent…

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And how fabulous is this corner from sponsors Reliance Compost…

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And this beautiful umbrella…

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And you too can win a trip to Zambia, if you can come up with an amazing and creative way to use Reliance Compost Bags…

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I discovered that I would rather photograph a tree than be one!!!

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There was business everywhere…

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A panel discussion and twenty questions…

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By this time everyone had a stamp in their passport and they were ready to take a lucky draw.

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I asked the father person to take photo of the winner… while I planned to instagram the event, never thinking for a moment that… the winner would be me… crazy things do happen… and I am off to Zambia to plant trees. I have no words, I am way beyond excited!!!

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If you want to know more about how you too can get to Zambia… click on the image!!!

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36 Replies to “And Just Like that I am off to Zambia to Plant Trees with GreenPop…”

  1. Wow! How exciting – look forward to reading more posts about all this!! Also my grandpa in Namibia had one of those outdoor solar powered cooking dishes 🙂

  2. Thanks Nici, I am beyond excited… this is going to be so fun and heaps to learn and more to blog about. I definitely think we need a solar cooking thingmi-bob in our yard, it will be so long load-sheddig for sure. Hope you guys have a great week!!!

  3. Hay Dawn, I have no idea why it has taken so long for us to meet, and so glad to have finally connected in real life!!! So looking forward to this and hopefully yes our weeks will connect… Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!!

  4. Thanks Christi, we are all very excited about this – who would have believed it!!! Hope you all have a fun weekend!!!

  5. Thank you Linda B, Totally blew me away… really it is beyond belief. Exciting times to look forward to that’s for sure!!!

  6. Hay Cindy, It is a way off still in June/July, I am hoping the time just flies past… see you soon and have a fabulous weekend!!!

  7. I am so excited for you Mrs Se7en! That is just amazing and you are a truly deserving winner! I look forward to your ‘Zambia’ posts. What a lovely surprise to see not one, but two photos of you in one post!!! Now that must be a record!! You are looking fabulous xx. Also nice to see a pic of the father person!

  8. WOW! So fantastic!! You look wonderful and this will be the trip of a lifetime. Sooo happy for you. Missing you very much and when I saw your smiling face, I wished I was coming over for tea. You will be forever changed. Well done, my friend.

  9. Hay Zoe, Close to Livingston, I have never been to Zambia, so this is very exciting… hope you have had a great weekend!!!

  10. Thanks Aunty Muffin, I am guessing my troops might be calling on you for moral support. Hope you have had a great weekend!!!

  11. Thank you Christine… This is so exciting, honestly, cannot believe I won – how on earth!!! Hope you all had a great weekend!!!

  12. Oh Sue, How lovely, lovely to hear from you!!! What can I say, a post packed with surprises… This is going to be one of those life changing events, cant wait!!! Wishing you the best week ahead!!!

  13. Thank you Wendy, Can you believe it… I am going to have to learn how to plant a tree meantime!!! Wishing you a great week ahead!!!

  14. Oh my heart, Aunty Kathy, Thank you so much for stopping by… yes, this is going to be life-changing and I am looking forward to it… wishing you all the very best. You would think in this day and age we could just flip to and fro over the internet, for a cup of tea, and be home for dinner… I think it is time some of our young inventors got inventing!!! Sending tons of love to all of you!!!

  15. Geez man I dont read your blog for a couple of days and you are off to Zambia!!!!!!!! That is very cool 😉 very very cool!

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