So we missed a couple of Weeks that Were Posts, which means that we have been busy busy busy… here comes a round up of the life and times. Firstly, and you know how we deny the change in season, but changes are indeed a foot, just to give our friends in the northern hemisphere a little reassurance.

The mornings are crisp and the days are glorious, the sun rises later and sets earlier. We have had a couple of weeks off school, which means we are in the thick of a bazillion projects and cannot fathom how we ever fit a days work in to our busy lives…

Just one of our trees has spotted the change in the seasons… and I am guessing we are going to have to go on a hunt for Autumn fairly soon. As is our tradition.

And otherwise our corn outgrew the picture frame…

The surf is up…

And the moon’s been out…

Definitely the season for beach ambles…

And watching the world go by…

We blogged about se7en + 1 things we would like to try each week this year… and we are popping our 52 Weeks progress into our Week that Was post… accountability and all that!!!

Our 52 Week Challenge
- Walk of the Week: We have been conquering mountains… as one does…
- Game of the Week:
- My Just Because Book: I rediscovered an old favourite author of mine… Sharon Penmam writes glorious historical novels set in old England, when knights were knights and kings were kings. I had simply forgotten how much I enjoyed her writing, and discovered a whole new series set in the eleven hundreds… I will definitely be looking for more of these in the library and going back and re-reading her epic series that I read previously. If you enjoy historical novels and books set in way back when… then look out for Sharon Penman.
- Letter of the Week: Not only have letters been written… but surprise of surprise… they have been mailed!!!
- Organizing Project of the Week: This might not look like organising to you… but if I tell you that that bird feeder has been hanging on the edge of a book case for about three years… just saying, getting things done.
- Recipe of the Week: Finally, finally recipes are being written into the recipe book… I have dropped all expectations – there will be no magical lettering or beautiful watercolours to go with these… simply recipes, our faves… all in one place in a book. Sometimes you have to settle for “good enough” and get the job done.
- Our View from the Deck: We have managed a photo a day for 100 days – seriously an achievement… and this is a view of our one tomato, hiding behind a little green teapot… and clearly we will never ever be tomato farmers.

There have been races…

And beach days…

And… train spotting…

Really train spotting…

The girls in our gang conquered the Pick’n Pay Ladies Walk…

And we had a bus trip through the Nature Reserve – high excitement!!!

Play has been continuous…

The sense that the endless summer may not be forever means that play has become slightly more intense than usual…

Garden projects… and overland adventures…

Adorable visitors…

And alarming visitors…

And late night ice-creams… because… endless summer…

The Artwork of the Week

There has been plenty of artwork,

You just can’t beat beach art…

The Book of the Week

We spotted this in the library and we loved it totally… it brought back so many recipes of our visit to London and we read it again and again… Just pure loveliness and we are going to have to look out for more books in this series, for sure.
And a Snapshot in Time

That’s us… Hoping you all have the most fantastic week!!!
Soaking up every last tour of summer – just perfect! xo
Oh Christi, you are so right… hanging on to summer for dear life and making sure that we are filling our “summer tanks” for the winter weeks ahead!!! Hope you are all having a great week!!!
I so adore the pics of the 8 HOods!!!
Oh Marcia, thank you!!! I thought of you this evening as we went for an evening amble beside the sea… sending you love and encouragement from all of us!!!