Click on the calendar page, it will open in a new tab, print it out and then colour it and fill in the days that you want to celebrate… pop it on the fridge and you are good to go. You can still find all the calendar pages down the right hand side of our website and they are all gathered together in our Almanac page for easy searching… If you have holidays or ideas that you would like to add then please go ahead and comment, I would love to have our calendars packed to the brim!!!
- 1 September:
- 2 September: Great Fire of London (1666)
- 3 September: Sky Scraper Day.
- 5 September: National Cheese Pizza Day.
- 6 September: Read a Book Day.
- Se7en Sneaky Tactics to Encourage the Almost Reader.
- Se7en of the Best Bazillion Chapter Books – A Book Bonanza!!!
- Se7en + 1 Ways to Make a Book More Memorable.
- Se7en Tips for Family Reading Time…
- So You Have Raised a Reader… Now What?
- Se7en Learning to Read Resources…
- Se7en of the Best Book Sites for Kids…
- Se7en Start a Book Nook…
- The Book Nook Revisited in Se7en Steps…
- Roald Dahl Day… Party Ideas.
- Articulated Beasts and Where the Wild Things Are Round-Up.
- Se7en Make Poetry Notebooks…
- Tubby and the Lantern and a Se7en Lamp Extravaganza…
- Alpaca Hats in Se7en Steps…
- Mrs Armitage and Her Se7en Hundred Surfboards.
- Eric Carle’s Radical Rockets…
- Go Dog Go – Do you like my Hat? – in Se7en Steps…
- 7 September: Labor Day (U.S.A.)
- 7 September 1533: Queen Elizabeth 1 (1533 – 1603)
- 8 September: International Literacy Day
- International Literacy Day from Wikipedia.
- International Literacy Day from UNESCO
- A Dr. Seuss Party.
- Where the Wild things Are Party.
- Roald Dahl Party Ideas.
- Se7en of the Best Book Sites for Kids…
- Se7en Start a Book Nook…
- The Book Nook Revisited in Se7en Steps…
- Roald Dahl Day… Party Ideas.
- Articulated Beasts and Where the Wild Things Are Round-Up.
- Se7en Make Poetry Notebooks…
- Tubby and the Lantern and a Se7en Lamp Extravaganza…
- Alpaca Hats in Se7en Steps…
- Mrs Armitage and Her Se7en Hundred Surfboards.
- Eric Carle’s Radical Rockets…
- Go Dog Go – Do you like my Hat? – in Se7en Steps…
- We Are Going on a Bear Hunt craft from Se7en.
Book Parties From Se7en:
Book Crafts from Se7en:
- 8 September: Magellan Set Sail For First Voyage Round the World (1519).
- 9 September: Chrysanthemum Day (Japan).
- 9 September: Teddy Bear Day.
- 10 September: Elias Howe Patented the Sewing Machine (1846).
- 11 September: Patriot Day (U.S.A.)
- 12 September: Chocolate Milkshake Day.
- 12 September 1940: Lascaux Cave Paintings Discovered.
- 13 September: National GrandParents Day (U.S.A.).
- 13 September: International Chocolate Day.
- 13 September: Roald Dahl’s Birthday (1916-1990).
- 4 September 2013: Rosh Hashanah Begins at Sundown.
- 14 September: Star Spangled Banner Composed (1814).
- 15 September: Alexander Fleming Discovered Penicillin (1928).
- 15 September: Agatha Christies Birthday (1890).
- 15 September: Make a Hat Day.
- 15 September: Choose Your Favorite Color Day.
- 16 September: National Play Do Day (U.S.A.).
- 16 September: Collect Rocks Day.
- 16 September: International Day of the Preservation of The Ozone Layer.
- 18 September: First Edition of the NY Times Published (1851).
- 19 September: Talk Like a Pirate Day.
- 21 September: International Day of Peace.
- Pinwheels for Peace. We are Definitely making pinwheels today.
- Se7en’s Simple Spinning Pinwheels.
- International Day of Peace.
- 22 September: Elephant Appreciation Day.
- Woven Camouflage Beasts on Safari from Se7en.
- Addo Elephant Park. So near and yet so very far – we should have been here!!!
- 22 September 2010: World Car Free Day.
- 22 September: Band Aid Invented (1920).
- 23 September: Hokusai, Japanese Artist (1760 – 1849.)
- 24 September: Jim Henson’s Birthday (1936 – 1990).
- Fun info from Wiki-entertainment.
- The Official Muppet Site.
- Puppet Crafts from About.com
- Wild Thing Shadow Puppets from Se7en.
- A Plethora of Pirate Puppets from Se7en.
- Se7en’s Teeny Tiny Toothpick Puppet Show.
- Se7en Make a Field of Fabric Friends.
- Se7en Million Fairy Tale Puppets.
- Se7en Fast Fun Felt Finger Puppets.
- 24 September: National Punctuation Day (U.S.A.).
- 24 September: Heritage Day South Africa/National Braai Day.
- 24 September: Christopher Reeves Birthday (1952 – 2004).
- 25 September: Native American Day.
- 25 September: Shel Silverstein born (1930).
- 26 September: Johnny Appleseed’s Birthday (1774 – 1845).
- 27 September: Crush a Can Day.
- 27 September 1822: Rosetta Stone Deciphered.
- 28 September 2009: Tomato Proven Safe 1820.
- 28 September 2009: Caravaggio born (1573 – 1610)
- 29 September 2009: William the Conqueror invaded England in 1066.
- William the Conqueror Biography from kidsnet.au
- William the Conqueror biography from the BBC.
- Nice printables and project pages from Activity Village.
- The Norman Conquest from history for kids.
- More about William the Conqueror from kidspast.com
- A timeline from History on the Net.
- Great Kids Website from Onyourmarks.
- School Links and worksheets from schoolhistory.co.uk
- 29 September 2009: Scotland Yard formed (1829).
- 30 September 2009: International Translation Day.