Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays…

To all Our Readers… Merry Merry Christmas… Sending love far and wide and hope you are having a restful holiday…

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I have been planning for months to take a blog break… around Christmas time. I even planned to announce it, and then head for bed every night by ten o’clock and read myself to sleep. You know, rest. I had wonderful ideas of only one event each day and a lot of rest. We have been doing school for weeks (feels like forever), the everyday dramas of life have been dramatic and everyday… and I am just plain tired. So I intended to write a fabulous post to my readers and leave them with it for a week or two. Absolutely no cleaning out of closets, no planning school projects, no sorting of stuff… just rest. But I guess after dreaming about a break for so long the break arrived long before the final blog post and not that I don’t love our readers I really just needed to REST… so I have spent the last week or two doing one or two things a day with my gang and getting to bed timeously. Well mostly, since bad habits are hard to break. Clearly I am not as dedicated to the internet as folk imagine, because I haven’t glanced at it… and we had about the best Christmas ever… So here are some Christmas pics…

Se7en + 1 Christmas Traditions…

  1. Feasts were had…
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  3. Cookies were baked…
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  5. Gifts were made and wrapped…
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  7. A tree was foraged…
  8. It reached the ceiling and it required friends to help put it up. And then it was decorated… and for the first time ever, gifts were under the tree when little folk woke up in the morning…

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  9. Cookies were decorated…
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  11. Crazy Family Fun was had…
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  13. Advent adventures were had…
  14. Along with reading seasonal books, and preparing our hearts and minds for Christmas, every year we try and collect a natural treasure each day during advent. This year we filled these 24 drawers that I had been saving specially… you can see our collection on instagram.

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  15. One of Cape Town’s best kept secrets…
  16. Cape Town Parks are almost empty on Christmas Day… we always pick one and play for hours…

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And now, I am loving our readers so much that I am taking a rest. I am tossing tired posts, written in the dead of night, to the wind. I am catching my breathe and starting fresh. Will see you soon. Before I can even think about plotting and planning blog posts for next year… I need read a few books, doodle in a few notebooks and stare at the ocean… I am taking my “just plain tired” for a good rest and I will see you all on the other side… if you are looking for us you can find us on instagram.

10 Replies to “Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays…”

  1. Merry Christmas to you & your family! Your first Christmas tree is just right. (btw your littles are getting so big!)

  2. Your Christmas looks like just the thing – so many smiling, happy faces!

    I’m glad you’ll be getting your rest! Looking forward to a New Year! xo, se7en

  3. Enjoy your well deserved rest! I’m always amazed at how you just keep plugging along. So inspiring! But rest assured, we’ll be here when you get back.

  4. Belated Christmas greetings! I’m so glad you’re taking a break as I always marvel at how much you accomplish. I hope you have a wonderful break. Enjoy!

  5. Thank you Christi, Hope you have had fun holidays too… this year sure flew past fast. I am totally grabbing the rest with both hands, it has been so hot all we can do is swim and sit in the shade and repeat. Lots of love to you all!!!

  6. Hay Tiffany, Thanks for stopping by… these kids will grow, there is nothing I can do about it!!! Wishing you all the best for the holiday season!!!

  7. Oh Pam, that is the sweetest comment, thank you so much… I keep thinking of things to blog, I am making a list!!! Wishing you all the best over the holidays!!!

  8. Oh Marcia, I think I had created this huge “REST” in my head and it just got more and more appealing, really it is ridiculous how hard bloggers work – I think I am about to pioneer some sort of change!!! Hope time flies towards your holiday!!! Lots of lekker love to all of you…

  9. Oh Sue, Thank you so much for stopping by and Merry Christmas to you and your family. You have no idea how I value your comments and encouragement over the years… Sending buckets of love and a huge thank you.

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