When you win tickets to the Homemaker’s Expo, huge thanks to Studio Melissa Louise, then you drop whatever you have going on that weekend and head out for a mother-daughter date with your sixteen year old… fun times!!! Welcome to a post with all sorts of eye candy… yes there were tons of appliances, and kitchen saving tools… and dozens of gadgets and things that “should be essential to your home” and then there was also tons of loveliness and that’s where we focused our attention, of course!!!

In a show that is so vast you need to have a strategy. There is so much to see and do that you have to be very systematic in working your way up and down the aisles. First tip… grab a goodie bag on your way in and keep it to drop business cards and pamphlets in as you wander along. Also, check out the program… there was an entire page of GiveAways and another page of show specials… these are things you have to have a quick scan of before you start walking the floor so that you know which stands to specially look out for. Forewarned is forearmed and all that.

Design Features

Tremendous Textures

Crate love… there are not enough stunning crates in the world. Wishing my boys would start churning these out… from all the wood they have lying about.

Perfect Papers…

Beautiful buckets… I am in love… I think I might need buckets everywhere… everywhere!!!

Love, love, love…

And lots and lots of wood love… even wooden flowers…

And these are fun…

And I need to make a memory tree…

And I may have taken a tip from Marcia at the Organising Queen and bought myself a birthday present… weeks in advance, because these crates!!!

And would you look at these fish!!!

Otherwise, lots of green… Would you look at this wall garden… All the love!!!

And Magical Mirror fun…
Fabulous Fabric

Don’t you love these fish… and oh I love this blue so very much as well!!!

And this is bed linen to die for…

And these fun cushions…

Demonstrations And GiveAways

The only store we found that knew how their GiveAway worked… Kudos to the WaterShed…

Radical Rainbows…

Even the kitchen sink… in every possible colour…

Dashing Desks…

And the Most Beautiful Aroma…

Millions of Mobiles…

And calabash lamps…

All the love…

I’m thrilled you bought an early birthday present. Pse remind the Father person to respond to my whatsapp when he has 2 minutes to himself.
Oh my word! I feel like I NEED all the things I don’t even want! Stunning stunning stunning! I best live vicariously through these pictures and never attend a homemakers show because my wallet would cry! But how stunning and all the beauty and colour! I am in awe!
Ps: good buying a present for yourself! I didn’t that this year. Bought myself a birthday present three weeks before my birthday though I waited patiently till my birthday to use … yes I am
The queen of delayed gratification:)
looks such fun!
Oh Wow! So much inspiration and colour. Love it all. So much creativity and and imagination put in each piece. So glad you took your camera and shared. Good for you buying for yourself. I hope you enjoy it.
Hay Marcia, you are full of surprises… I haven’t made any birthday plans, it seems like a crazy busy season over here and I can’t find a gap… so I am just going to chillax and enjoy all the moments!!! Thank you for the impending treat… you are so great at gifting!!! Have a wonderful day!!!
Hay MrsFF, so lovely to hear from you… I know what you mean about Expos… packed with lovliness… It was a really sweet time with my kiddo and I can’t ever get enough of those!!! And I see it as inspiration to go home and create and make. Good on you on the birthday gift… this is a whole new territory for me!!! Kind of putting myself way out there… definitely the year of rediscovering myself… but I will continue to call it the year of getting things done!!!
Zoe!!! So good to hear from you, hope you and yours have had a fabulous summer. We can definitely feel the season changing and can’t thank you enough for sending the sun down south to us for a while!!! Have a great week!!!
So good to hear from you Cheryl, and so much eye candy at the expo… lots of inspiration and so many things that I want to make now… bring on the summertime and longer days to pack projects into them!!! Hope you have a fantastic day!!!