March is here!!! Really!!! And as promised here is your March printable calendar. You are welcome to print it out, use the landscape option, it works better!!! Click on the image and it will open in a new tab. Print it out and write the days you would like to celebrate on it then pop it onto the fridge as a reminder…

Otherwise, we created an online store, to support our blog, and you can download and print our weather tree as well as our 2020 calendar, if you click through to our store.
Dates to Remember
- 1 March: St. David’s Day (Wales).
- 2 March 1904: Dr Seuss’s Birthday (1904 – 1991).
- 3 March : Hinamatsuri Day (Girls Day) Japan.
- 3 March 1847: Alexander Graham Bell (1847 – 1922).
- 3 March 1931: Star Spangled Banner became Official United States Anthem.
- 4 March 1678: Antonio Vivaldi’s Birthday (1678 – 1741).
- 5 March 2020: World Book Day.
World Book Day 2020 There is so much fun on this website that you need no other!!! Including dozens and dozens of audio books free for the month of March.
- World Book Day Costumes on Activity Village.
- 5 March 1512: Gerardus Mercator (1512 – 1594).
- 5 March 1770: Boston Massacre.
- 6 March 1475: Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475 – 1564).
- 12/13 March 2015: Holi (India).
- 7 March 2006: Apple Patented the i-pod (2006).
- 7 March 1872: Piet Mondrian (1872 – 1944)
- 8 March 2014: International Women’s Day.
- 10 March 1820: Harriet Tubman (1820 – 1913).
- 13 March 2013: World Kidney Day.
- The very cool official website: World Kidney Day.
- Your kidneys from kidshealth.
- Very readable with lots of illustrations from
- 14 March 2013: Pi Day.
- 14 March 1879: Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955).
- 15 March 44BC: Julius Caesar murdered – Ides of March.
- 15 March 1937: First Blood Bank Opened.
- 16 March 1751: James Madison’s Birthday (1751 – 1836).
- 17 March 2013: St. Patrick’s Day.
- 17 March: Submarine Day.
- 18 March 1965: First Space Walk.
- 20 March 1916: Bill Martin Jr. Birthday (1916-2004).
- 20 March 1852: Uncle Tom’s Cabin first Published (1852).
- 21 March 1685: Johann Sebastian Bach’s Birthday (1685-1750).
- 21 March: Human Rights Day in South Africa.
- 21 March 2015: World Poetry Day.
- 22 March 2015: World Water Day.
- 23 March 2014: World Meteorological Day.
- 23 March 1513: Ponce De Leon Discovered and Named Florida.
- 23 March 1806: Lewis and Clarke Expedition Began.
- 24 March 1874: Harry Houdini’s Birthday (1874 – 1926).
- 26 March 1874: Robert Frost’s Birthday (1874 – 1963).
- 27 March 2011: World Theatre Day.
- 28 March 1930: First Washing Machine Patented.
- 28 March 2020: Earth Hour.
- 29 March 1886: Coca Cola was invented (1886).
- 30 March 1853: Vincent Van Gogh’s Birthday (1853 – 1890).
- 31 March: Eiffel Tower Opened (1889).