Just a quick announcement of the winners of our College of Magic GiveAway…

GiveAway Winners
- Lieslkrog on instagram
- Krugerliz on instagram
- Debbiethornesmith on instagram
- Kim from blog comments
If you want to find out more about the show then head over to our blog post about it. And if you would like to buy a family streaming ticket then head over to the College of Magic for details.
Thank you all so much for entering… and I really hope you enjoy the show.
If you are looking for a fun activity… and you live in a house that still has balloons in it and you have no idea what to do with them… well you can make your own juggling balls… (or stress balls – if need be in this mad season).
How to Make Juggling Balls
I blogged How to Make Juggling Balls as a quick and easy craft years ago and it has never gotten lame. These juggling balls are very easy to make and are perfect for home made gifts as well.
All you need is a couple of old balloons and a batch of play dough. Much as I hate balloons and never buy them, we still have them lying around our home… so we may as well do something useful with them.

Cut the opening off your balloons. Pop a ball of play dough inside one of them. And continue to wrap the balloons over the opening in the first balloon, until you have several layers of balloon containing your play dough.

It really is that easy… happy crafting and hope you all have a fun weekend.

Thank you so much to the College of Magic for gifting us with a streaming ticket to watch the show, we thoroughly enjoyed it. This is not a sponsored post and opinions expressed are, as usual, our own.