Sunday Snippet Sunday Snippet: Remembrance Day and Se7en Ways to Remember Christmas… Posted on 17 November 201017 November 2010 by se7en We live beside a Garden of Remembrance, which means on the second Sunday every November there is a ceremony to remember those who fought on…
Recipes Challah, Traditional Jewish Festival Bread in Se7en Steps… Posted on 16 September 200916 March 2018 by se7en So Friday is the start of Rosh Hashanah and traditionally Challah bread is served. When served on a regular Sabbath evening these breads are plaited.…
Ocean Saturday Spot: The Beach Walk… Posted on 13 September 200926 November 2018 by se7en So last week in the Saturday Spot I posted about the The Baby Basket and Se7en Pre-Baby Traditions… And one of our traditions is a…
Sunday Snippet Sunday Snippet: Passover Resources For Kids… Posted on 6 April 20096 April 2009 by se7en Last week in our Sunday Snippet we did a Mighty Moses Scavenger Hunt. Now the last plague, that I only touched on, was the death…
Sunday Snippet Sunday Snippet: Purim for Kids… and Hamantashen… Posted on 9 March 20099 March 2009 by se7en This week Jewish people around the world will be celebrating Purim which is a holiday that has been celebrated for countless generations dating back to…
Holidays Fortune Cookies in Se7en Steps Posted on 30 December 200816 March 2018 by se7en It’s that time of year. Time for really simple, quick recipes, yet they must still be fun! We make fortune cookies for our New Year…