Time flew and here we are – we must have been having fun because before I could look it was the weekend again…
So we read some books:

And our favorite was:
This book is a running favorite – and completely responsible for the wolf fixation in our house… many a night over the last n years I have had to get up and bash the garbage can with a broom – just read the book! It will all become clear. And terrified as they are – they keep going back for more… read it again, and again… and again!
Otherwise we had a great Saturday Jump and Jive:
We totally got into the picnic thing – and we no longer have to sweep the floor after lunch – YAY summer!
We made a bazillion Christmas Cookies – No wonder my kids love blogging!

Hood #1: Began his busking career, with Christmas Carols in the Mall.

Hood #2: Appeared to be doing some quiet research. He spent hours gathering herbs and spices and making concoctions – in an effort to invent a gurgling cure-all (I didn’t have the heart to say gargling!!!).

Hood #3: Managed some gleeful swimming. And is galloping her way through Chapter Books – she never thought she could but just discovered – if you can read one book you can probably read a whole lot more – and the world is her oyster.

Was the mysterious cushion monster from last weeks post – no surprises I know…

And like all my children he is being trained to cook – only he is not a celebrity chef and you can see why… he has a natural flare, but you might want to tie your previous meal down before you begin. Here is his salad of carrots, banana and cheese – hmmmmm… He cooks it, he eats it!
Maybe he should stick to arting his meals, this is sardines on toast:
Hood #5: Cooked and cooked, like a good Celebrity Chef should.
And instigated a great “house-to-mend” project – yikes will our house still be standing next week?
Chilled out on the couch:
And hung out with her biggest brother in his tree house.
Hood #7: Started saying real things – not just “hmm” and “oy”… She has a very good Cape Townian: “Yaellow”… and for those of you that don’t live here… that’s “Hello”
And she discovered my pesky camera strap!
That’s it. Just another great week of loving my Hoods even more than I did the previous week.
Not to mention, the cushion monster has moved on and left a new persona:
Hope you are having a Great Weekend!