This Week (20 April) at Se7en?

This seems to be a new spot for us and I will try to get them out on our Monday mornings… I don’t know where it’s been all this time but last week was our first!

Here is the list of monthly calendars that I posted in The Week That Was – 41

These are just a couple of things I thought might interest my kids – I know there are ten bazillion things we could choose from every day, but these are the ones that caught my eye!

I pop these on our calendar and mostly use them as ideas for our morning free writing session in our journals, unless the event calls for something bigger – a cake maybe, a puppet show, a crafty task!

20 April – Joan Miro’s Birthday:

This is one of my favorite artists, my grade 4 teacher stuck copies of his paintings up all over the classroom and I spent many happy hours daydreaming my way through them!

22 April – Earth Day:


22 April 2009 – Election Day in South Africa:

23 April – William Shakespeare’s Birthday:

25 April – World Penguin Day:

That’s it for this week. Hope you have a good one!

And don’t forget to comment on our Giveaway!

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