These are Se7en homeschool questions that I get asked quite often, so I thought I would blog about them. Homeschooling in South Africa, how you get started and what about the legality of it and so on. I thought I would answer your questions as best I could and you can ask some more and if you have any answers or input to add then feel free to add them to the comments.

And just in case you are wondering you may not actually visit us and see how we homeschool! That’s why we have a blog! I am generous with our time, but not that generous! Of course, you may virtually come over and visit our blog anytime. You may read about our day-to-day life and times and you may also fire away questions and I will try to answer them as quickly and honestly as I can!
I didn’t realize it but I have covered the ground for this topic in other posts so I thought I would just link to them and if you want read more feel free to follow the links and explore.
- What made you decide to homeschool?
This decision wasn’t a hard one for us to come to. Like most decisions in life I began reading about it and I read and read and read… probably long before we had kids – it was just a matter of time after-all! I read absolutely everything I could find on homeschooling: books, pamphlets, magazines, catalogues. The Pro’s and Con’s. The In’s and Out’s. The Nitty-Gritty. Here is a post on my Se7en Best Homeschooling Books. After everything we had read we were quite convinced that this was the way for us to give our kids the best possible education we could. Where education is a word that carries the vast expanse of life, more than just algebra and history dates…
- What about family and friends?
You are not necessarily going to get a lot of support from that corner! A lot of folk thought we were just mad and spent a lot of energy trying to convince us against it. You have to be committed and convinced at this stage! We have found that the “proof was in the pudding” and that down the line all the nay-sayers are now huge supporters. Not least that our children can actually read!!! I did write a post on Se7en Questions folk asked of home schoolers and I never went near the whole socialization topic. Except to say that socialization is one question that anti-homeschoolers feel is their final blow to the whole wacky idea. I have never met a homeschooler who has a problem with socialization – or if they do, that the problem would be any different if their kid was in school. But that is a whole can of worms and deserves it’s own special post. Any material you read on homeschooling should give you the confidence to say “my kids are not anti-social” just because you homeschool doesn’t mean your children don’t meet people – and lots of them. Nobody lives in a cupboard. Well I don’t and wherever I am my kids are with me and meeting folk. So yes, they have a couple of social skills – not always perfect but I have noticed kids in school are not perfect either!
- How did we get started?
Since the decision was made we needed to figure out how to get going. I guess it was easier for us than most to find out how the get started because we were already so committed to it – there was no trial for a term to see how it goes – nope this was it! The year before we began homeschooling I visited everyone I knew who home schooled and explored how they did it and what they were up to, really just chatting and talking and borrowing books!!! I looked at all the different curriculum I could find. I went to open days and workshops and listened and learnt. After a while I knew exactly how I didn’t want to homeschool!!! And then I discovered Sonlight and I have never looked back. I didn’t have to reinvent the wheel, everything you need comes in a box – I don’t have to fret about sourcing goodies on the far side of the world. And the books – Oh, the books!!! Heaps that I had read as a kid and couldn’t wait to read again myself, and I was thrilled to be able to share my literary world with our kids. I wrote about getting going in a previous post on Preparing for a year of Sonlight.
- What does homeschooling look like for us?
The first thing you have to realize – and this may take years! Is that homeschooling is not school at home and your children won’t necessarily spend hours sitting at a desk doing worksheets and working through textbooks. The point of homeschooling is that you can actually do it completely differently – find what works for each of your kids – My kids wouldn’t recognize a text book if it hit them on the head, but they have spent years reading real books prolifically on any number of topics. The the joy of homeschooling is that you can be flexible, you can visit a spot on a quiet day and linger longer and explore, you can do extra-murals in the morning and school in the afternoon. You can school any time and any place. I have posted a day in our school life to give you an idea of how we do go about it.
- Are there local support groups?
Yes there are! I have never joined a local support group, I managed to get all the support I needed from friends who home schooled already or thought homeschooling was marvelous. Pick your supporters wisely! Otherwise I found heaps of support and encouragement on-line, where you can always find homeschoolers and see what they are up to. Sonlight has a great forum section where any and every question you have ever thought of asking has been asked before and answered by several members and really if you are looking for supprt that is a great and encouraging spot to go and look. It is important to have support when you take this task on – trust me, like any job there will be days when you want to throw in the towel and ship everyone off to boarding school. Not too often but they are there and you do need to have someone tell you are doing a good job on those days! And the fabulous days far out way those, not to mention the fun you will have learning for yourself.
Anyway, follow the links to the Homeschool groups in your province and keep going until you find your local area. You may have to get hold of the co-ordinator of the provincial group to find someone in your area. I know our library has a huge file on homeschool resources packed with goodies including information on local support groups. Do persist until you find the support you are looking for, it really is worth it!
Here are the links to local support groups:
- What about the Department of Education?
There is information available from the Department of Education and you should ask other home school folk in your support circle what they have done and how they have achieved their goals. It is pretty personal how people tackle it so it is a good idea to talk to a couple of folk and see what they have done. Here are links with the relevant information:
- Is their legal support?
Most South African home schoolers I know are members of the Pestalozzi Trust you don’t have to be a member to homeschool, but they will support you legally if you ever have a problem with the Education Department Authorites. Here are the links to legal information:
That’s it – If you have more questions then feel free to ask them and if you want to contribute something pertinent to South African homeschooling then feel free to do so in the comments.
Hello Se7en. I quite literally stumbled across this amazing source of all kinds of useful information in the early hours of yet another sleepless night. I find your writings quite awesome and always with a positive spin which is fantastic for the not-so-positive climate that we find ourselves in… very uplifting, thank you.
My question to you is this, “When do you sleep?”
With nine lives to organise (and you are extremely organised), a household to run, school to teach, preparation to do, blogs to write, emails to answer… and the list goes on… I ask this with the utmost respect as I find it difficult to give a piece of myself to the one adult and 3 “hoods” of my own, and still maintain some form of sanity by the time I climb into bed at night.
Whatever you do, don’t stop the blogs! There are hundreds of us who wait for your next ‘how to…’
Much appreciated,
Hi K, What a lovely comment – you may stop by and comment anytime!!! Let me just say that a good blogger never sleeps!!! However I do from time to time sleep just not a whole lot!!! Anyway I am so glad you enjoy our blog and keep on coming back!!! Have a great weekend – you and your family!
Hi there again – great post! I’ve written a ton on why we homeschool too – mostly to answer the hundreds of skew looks; raised eyebrows and disapproving tones we’ve received over the years. On the socialisation issue, I’ve written a whole ton on that too if anyone is interested – here is the link:
Taryn’s last blog post..Animammals
Thank you for this post. We also get socialization questions, but only a few. From my child’s experiences in his former public school, we know that 1) children are supposed to be quiet in class; 2) they’re allowed to chat a little during lunch but are told to concentrate on eating mostly; and 3) out of a six-hour day, children were allowed to socialize and romp for only 20 or 30 minutes. However, New England has snow for about five months, and the recess teachers often put the kids in the gym to watch movies (no talking!) instead of bothering with lots of snowsuits or even allowing the children to play in the gym. So, what do people mean by “socializing”? If we’re talking about interacting personally with other children and adults in our community and with people throughout the world via e-mail and postal mail, then homeschooling has afforded more opportunities for connections. Hope you and your family enjoy a fun weekend!
Hi T, We don’t get too much disapproval for homeschooling… they are too busy getting over the shock of the trail of kids with us!!! And when folk see the trail they assume we homeschool – it really is the best option for us! Hope you guys have a great weekend!
Hi K, So nice to hear from you again… I get asked so many socialization questions – forget about se7en questions!!! I have tried to leave it to every other homeschool site to respond – maybe I should just leave it up to brilliant comments like yours! I love the way perfect strangers question our decision to home school because of the “socialization problem” (!) all this while their kids are clinging in their laps and ours are working the room… hmmm I guess it all begins by defining their definition of socialization. You guys have a great weekend – we are freezing over here!
This is probably an odd question, but when do you do the crafts and activities that you often post about? Are they afternoon activities done after other ‘school work’ is done for the day?
I’d really like to do more of this, but have trouble finding the time for those ‘extra’ things.
Hi L, We do indeed schedule them! I realized when we started getting electives from Sonlight, that weren’t in the schedule, terms would go by without us glancing at them. So I began to schedule them in. We do try and finish school by lunchtime – and sometimes lunch gets pushed a bit late! Followed by lunch and about an hour of reading and collapse… as we resurface I have a plan… Mondays we try a recipe, Tuesdays we do a craft… we also do art/music appreciation, make a space for friends and outings. We also have a running list of things the kids want to do and need me for… but mostly they play and do their own projects our afternoon schedules are very laid back and relaxed: happen if they happen and no worries of they don’t!
Thanks for answering! I’m glad to hear that we don’t have the only home where ‘lunch gets pushed a little late’ 🙂 It happens all too often here. I have some children who get in and get their work done, but a couple who drift and will take all day (it’s a personality thing, I think.) I think I need to just schedule some activities in the afternoon and have the ‘slowcoaches’ go back and finish their work after our scheduled crafts etc. Hmmm! Food for thought! Thanks again.
Hi L, I am still here. I will say I have some serious dawdlers. You are right it is personality some can’t wait to be done and others well – secretly I think they love their work so much that they could linger all day! I remind them at breakfast about the things we plan for the day, and then we just carry on with it. If I wait and delay for the dawdler to catch up we could wait all day! It is amazing how quickly folk catch up when they realize they will be missing out!
Hi again, Se7en!! Just had to add that yesterday I made sure we did some ‘extras’ in the afternoon. I did some cooking with my youngest three kiddo’s – we made little cakes- while the older kids did an art project. This was great because my older children often cook but the younger ones miss out because they need some help. As one daughter said, ‘It was deliciously fun’. Can’t get much better than that!!!
Fantastic – It is so nice to give the little guys attention after spending a morning busy with big kids doing school!!! It is the time spent doing extras that make me feel like a “Yes Mom” !!! Well done for just getting going and getting on with it!!!
Hi. I find your blog very interesting. I was just browsing the net because I am wanting to hook up with other home-schooling moms in and aroudn my area. My husband and I decided to home school our children. Our oldest is 4 years old. Where do you live? We live in Kraaifontein, Cape Town. Would like to stay in touch and maybe get some more tips from you, if you dont mind.
Hi C, Nice to meet you. I would definitely look up the Western Cape Homeschooling Assoc. if you are looking for other homeschool families to link up with. Otherwise you are welcome to just follow along on our blog and watch what we get up to. Hope you have a good week!!!
I have just stumbled upon your blog in a desperate search for SOME kind of support group. See, at this moment i feel uber lonely!!!!! How that is possible with 4 boys, all being homeschooled I dont know, but it is the truth!!! I ran trough a loooooong list of all possible human emotions and discovered it is definitely lonelyness. As I read through all your writings, I suddenly felt very useless. I have been homeschooling for 14years, I am suppose to be one of the old hands, and yet today I am in the sending them all off to boarding, no what the heck, military school stage! Keep on writing, we will keep on reading.
Hi M, you sound like you are having a miserable day… I often wonder how, when I am so surrounded by people all day long that I can feel lonely!!! The loneliness of a homeschool mom can sometimes be palpable and I think that many times when you read about homeschooling, especially blogs, where everything is portrayed as perfect, it is hard to keep in mind that the “grass is always greener…” We all have times, even non-homeschool moms when we want to ship-out, but generally these times pass and we move on!!! Generally… try and get out for some fresh air – always helps even if it is just onto the garden. Hope your day gets better and better!!!
And then you answer so quickly back!!!! Thanks, I just decided to take them all to the Bird Sanctuary. Instead of the shipping off plan!! I’m also doing Sonlight, for the first time after I suffered through many painful curriculum’s. Like you, I will never stop being thankful for Sonlight. Believe me, I have tried them all!! Enjoy the rest of your week. Hugs to your little ones.
Hay M, You caught me out!!! I should have been reading stories on the couch but I was actually on the old computer!!! So off to the couch for me and you enjoy your outing!!! Glad you found Sonlight, we totally love it!
I am an as yet unofficial homeschooler. I see there’s an expo coming up in Bellville. Have you been to one of these? Is it worth the trip? We’d have to give up some things to go that day. Also, do you have any advice for getting the most out of it. I’m expecting to be overwhelmed (as I have been by all the on-line and downloadable stuff).
Hi O, We have never been to a homeschool expo I have all I need to keep us busy and don’t want to end up buying products or sign up for things that will ultimately overwhelm us. I guess we are very content with where we are at! But if you are looking for contacts or products or whatever then go ahead. Really if you miss it it won’t be the end of the world – there will be more!!! And if you go you may discover something that sets your heart on fire! It is up to you!!! Have a good day!
Where do I start really? My daughter is in Grade 10 and for the better part of our lives my daughter and I have been unhappy with “normal” schooling to date. I stumbled across “homeschooling” and I must say I am scarred and worried at the thought, but I need to make a decision for 2010!!
Hi P, Shame to have to make a desperate decision!!! But from grade 10 to grade 12 is still quite a long time to be in a situation you aren’t happy with!!! That being said it is a decision that needs to be made and then committed to, I have met a few folk who have said we will try homeschooling for a month or two and it hasn’t worked out… I think it helps to figure out what you need to do and then stick with it – be it school or homeschool. I have heard that it takes a month of homeschooling for every year of school to recover from school… If I were you I would explore any and everything on homeschooling – look for home schoolers in your area, especially ones with older kids and see what they are up to!!! All the best to both of you!!!
Hi Pam, I am living in Boksburg and have older children that was homeschooled and are being homeschooled at present. You are welcome to get in touch with me if you are still having problems!!! Or just if you need a bit of support, like I needed a few weeks back!
Hello there
I’m one of your quiet lurkers…discovered your blog by accident while we were visiting my brother in CT just after Christmas and were trying to find some info about Kalk Bay (of all things! Isn’t it fun what Google pops up for you sometimes). I was initially captivated and then truly hooked! I have been lurking regularly ever since (although I have to admit that I have visited a little less often recently due to jealousy problems: the impending arrival of your number 8 was stirring up all my large-family dreams again! If I’d had my way we’d have just kept having babies until no more came, but my hubby’s quiver is full enough with four little arrows, he says! And in this particular department it really does take two to tango :-).
I HAVE recovered sufficiently now though to be able to say sincerely: “Congratulations – he’s absolutely GORGEOUS – you are truly blessed!”)
Now we come to the reason for my un-lurking. We started homeschooling our brood (9, 7, 4 and 2) this Easter, after having 2 of them in regular school initially, and it has been one of the best decisions of our lives…I look forward to every week like never before. Because we were in the experimental stage I used my own put-together curriculum this year, but next year am contemplating a bought curriculum (for many of the reasons you mention in your blog). I LOVE the look of Sonlight, but have one or two queries about using it in the South-African context, so I thought I’d put them to you, and maybe you’d could consider addressing them if at some stage you do another “7 questions about homeschooling” post.
1) Firstly: the second official language question: obviously Sonlight doesn’t provide curriculum for any of our languages, so I’ll need to source this myself, but my question involves scheduling. Do you think I’d be able to squeeze some Afrikaans into our day as well? (Should I go for the 4-day schedule rather if I want to try?).
2) History: (and on this I’m looking just for your personal feeling on the subject). Is the strong American History bias a problem for your family or not? (To be honest it was this that stopped me looking at American curricula initially – I must be very PROUDLY South African!). Do you plan on giving your Hoods a basic grounding in SA history formally at any stage (and if so when – high school or earlier?), or will you let them explore this subject on their own as they grow?
Please only answer these if and when you have time and inclination – it must be so tempting at the moment to spend a lot of your previous blogging time getting to know your new bundle.
On that note, thank you so much for all the time you DO take out to share your family’s journey with us – you probably have no idea quite how much you and your ideas inspire, motivate and help some of us out here!
Warm, warm regards,
Ashleigh (Pretoria)
(Looking back on this comment of mine I am reminded about one of YOUR comments on blogging, where you said that you realised that many of your comments on other people’s blogs were as long as their blog posts themselves. I seem to suffer from the same disease! Ah well, as long as I’m in good company… 🙂 )
Hi A… Thanks for unlurking!!! Great questions! I have a question post getting ready to go (in the next week or three!!!)… I will be so happy to answer yours!!! Have a fabulous week together!!!
Hi just stumbled onto your site. Enjoyed reading all the comments from mothers that homeschool. Have a daughter that is 10 years old. We stay on a farm. Have school in the morning and ballet and friends in the afternoon. She wanted to do homeschooling in Afrikaans so we are using Nukleus I just have a problem with the English find it to average for my daughters capabilities. Any suggestions? Thanks for all the mom’s that homeschool. It is very challenging but enjoyable. I love spending all this time with my daughter. Have a great weekend.
Hi Z, Nice to meet you – always nice to meet a local homeschool mom. Shew, how to improve English? I would read English to her, get a list of classics – find her grade on the Sonlight site or anywhere and read them to her. One picks up a lot of vocab from the setting of the story… otherwise find some English speaking friends – nothing like a bit of immersion!!! Its a good question I may well keep it for my next homeschool question post!!! Have a lovely weekend!
Thank you for the quick reply. She does enjoy reading and is fully bilingual. Will keep on giving her more classics to read. Enjoy the new year.
No problem Z, Hope you guys have a great year together!!!
Please help! I am a single parent of a 13 year-old boy – mom “nowhere to be seen” for years now.
My son has not been peforming well at school and now need to go to high school – Gr8, but the schools are full in my area (Pinelands, Cape Town). His mathematic skills are terrible, he can’t write properly – and attention levels in the classroom just about zero!
Should I concider homeschooling at all? I work from home myself (accounting practice).
Hi W, You sound like you really have some things to think through regarding your sons schooling. Because I am a homeschooler myself I would always say I think homeschooling would help your child… start him off at his level and let him get where he needs to be. On the other hand you cannot homeschool in isolation, especially with a child who is used to the school system. I know there are quite a few homeschoolers in your area, and I would start by getting in touch with a local homeschool group and see how they can help and support you.
All the Best.
Hi my daughter is 14 years old and have juvenile
arthritis. She is in grade 8 but miss alot of school
due to the pain that she have. We consider home
schooling where do we start. Thanx hanlie
Hi H, If I were starting out I would look for my local support group and try and meet up with as many homeschoolers in my area to learn the ropes. Here is a link to local homeschool associations in South Africa that should be bale to link you up to folk in you area. Have a good day.
Just corrected my email address
I’ve been scanning your blog as well as all the comments out of pure desperation… we live on a farm in Tsitsikamma, with the closest school being an apparent bilingual school in the closest ‘dorp’ about 30km’s away. At present, my 2 youngest sons (age 7 & 9) are placed there – the 9 yr old is flourishing and doesn’t particularly want to be home-schooled, but my youngest’s teachers are struggling with him… he gets full marks for practically all of his tests and assessments, but unfortunately his teacher has labeled him as a ‘day dreamer’ and repeatedly recommends Ritalin… needless to say, he will be home-schooling from the beginning of the new school year, and thanks to your writings, I will definitely go with Sonlight – thank you for uncomplicating my life in this aspect!
Unfortunately though, there’s another problem I need to deal with – I have a 3rd son currently in Grade 10. At present he’s at home and won’t be completing this school year – his afrikaans wasn’t good enough to complete his studies in the local school, and subsequently he’s ‘dropped out’.
…hence, the following questions, if you don’t mind:
>once he’s completed Grade 12, will his accreditations (if there are any?) be recognized by a local (ie. South African) tertiary studies institute?
>I’ve had a look at Sonlight’s site, and gone through the process of possibly ordering certain books, etc. I understand that we need to choose a Core, but do we also have to choose something from each additional ‘essentials’ set? For example, in the Core 300, literacy is included, but one of the essentials is also Language Arts – do I actually have to order additional books from this section? Another ‘essential’ is Science – is choosing something from this section also compulsory, or do the Core packages generally consolidate all the necessary information?
>are there tests and assessments involved that need to be sent back the US, and if so – what do these costs approximate to on an annual basis?
I’m beginning to question the relevancy of him completing his ‘high school career’ as he seems pretty determined as to what career path he’d like to follow – and apparently there are no minimum requirements for his chosen path, but at the same time, I feel that being only 16 years old is too young for a child to be ‘dropping out’ completely. At this point I think I’m in need of a catalyst to a paradigm shift… any advice?
Thank you so much; in advance; for all your input!
Shew!!! I have a moment so I am going to respond quite quickly!!! I agree with you I would not want my 16 year old free to roam and I would if he was totally finished with school find ways for him to follow his passions… and learning more about things that will lead to his chosen profession or calling.
For all years of Sonlight you can order a Core – which includes history, reading and read-alouds, you then add in the relevant or appropriate language arts, science and math program to suit you and your child. Language arts are different to literacy. The literacy aspect includes the readers and read alouds of the core section… and reading and comprehension and interpretation are part of that. Language arts include grammar, writing skills and so on… a different thing!!!
So you can go with a core that interest him and then select a different science program that he is interested – if he has a passion I would go with that… Just to keep him motivated and because he sounds pretty disillusioned with school it would need to be something you are interested in too as I can’t imagine he will be very self-motivated and you will have to do quite a bit of motivating and encouraging!!!
Remember that Sonlight materials don’t necessarily match our schools grade for grade and a lot of their material is suited to a wide range of grades – you can look at sample instructors guides to see what would suit you both best. Also on the Sonlight website – there a lots of ways to get advice and help… I would suggest you ask them what they recommend… the more people that you talk to the better you will be informed to decide!!!
Regarding accreditation and South African Tertiary institutions, I know that at this stage they all have entrance exams, regardless of your matric results you have to write them and pass them in order to be considered.
I hope this all helps!!! And all the best in your search for answers. Have a good weekend!!!
Help…. my sister desperately wants to home school her son Lucas – he is 14 years old and in Grade 9 at Stellenberg High School. When we lived in Durban my eldest son was home schooled (he is now finished school) and his teacher was AMAZING – we have not been able to find any one person who does homeschooling in Cape Town – they live in Brackenfell and are looking for someone in the northern suburbs that he can join. Please advise if you know of anyone or if you yourself are doing homeschooling for any more kids. We are really desperate. Thank you so much, for your time and for an AWESOME blog….
Hi Michelle, I don’t personally know of any home schoolers in Durbanville, but if you follow this link you will find the Western Cape Homeschoolers Association and they should be able to help you!!! All the best.
I need some much needed advice please!
I am opening a Creche this January and my 5year old daughter is starting Gr R at a private school. She was in a great Nursery school that she loved but about a month before closing for holidays she would beg me to not send her. I spoke to Teacher who said she hadn’t picked up anything ect and that my daughter was fine and played ect when I left. My question is this; My 5 year old is now doing the same when we mention ‘BIG school’ and begs to stay with me. I have asked her why she doesn’t want to go and she says she doesn’t want to play. I have a feeling that a child picked on her and now doesn’t want to interact (she is however VERY social). My Husband an I have discussed Homeschooling and im very keen BUT my daughter doesn’t listen to me. Like I said she is strongwilled. Advice would be much appreciated. Thank you!
Hi Kerry, Sorry for the delay… we have been relaxing and taking some time away from the world of blogs. But we are almost back in action and I hear your heart crying out for help.There is so much going on in this question and I really cannot know your exact situation or really help you with how to take the leap into homeschooling, we really just document the how and why of how we home-school. I could suggest that you look for home-schoolers in your area on this blog post… there are lots of resources in this post. And finally I have to say if you ask any mom of a five year old they would most likely say that their children are strong willed and don’t listen – I think it is part and parcel of being five!!! But homeschooling is really a lifestyle and your children learn alongside you… rather than you sitting there and telling them what to do. Most five-year-olds are very keen to try new things and sit and read stories with anyone… that gal of yours could well surprise you!!! And home-schooliong has provided our very social kids plenty of opportunity to make stacks of friends from all walks of life. Wishing you all the best in your journey… parenting decisions are really the hardest and you have to follow your own heart.
Many homeschoolers worry about how their children will get matric in South Africa.
The GED® credential is a choice that is growing in popularity among home educators. It is recognised as a grade 12 equivalent by SAQA. Universities South Africa also recognises the GED® and they will grant foreign conditional exemption to candidates with a GED® credential if they also have one of the following two options:
1. a letter of acceptance from a US university (which is quite easy to apply for online) OR
2. a prescribed score on the SAT tests
The GED® is much more affordable than the other matric options and the only requirement is that candidates must be age 16 or older.
It tests only four subjects, which means our children have greater freedom and time to pursue other interests.
The four subjects are:
Mathematical Reasoning
Social Studies
Reasoning Through Language Arts
There is no Afrikaans or other language required!
Most candidates prepare for the tests for a few months using online classes which show them when they are ready to book and write each test.
They can choose their own test dates when they feel ready and write at any one of 37 test centres around South Africa. This takes a lot of stress out of preparing for the tests.
For more information go to