Hay Hood #1:
Reader of books:
Inventor of gadgets:

Flyer of kites:
Blower of Bubbles:

Happy Birthday to You!

How did it happen so fast!!!
From zero:

To twelve:

Here are Se7en of your Best:
- Favorite Book: Dragonology.
- Favorite Movie: Wall-E.
- Favorite Meal: Hamburgers and Ice-cream, at the Diner, and Hawaiian Pizza.
- Favorite Outing: The beach for construction.
- Favorite Author: Shakespeare.
- Favorite Collectable: Gadgets.
- Favorite Occupation: Lego Construction.

Hope you have a great year!!!
Happy Birthday!!
Hi L, Thanks so much!!! Have a Good Week!!!
Happy Birthday! goodness, one more year until he’s a teenager… have a lovely birthday :]
Hi S, Yup and before I blink I will be living with a heap of lanky teens… I tell you days happen one at a time but time flies when you have kids!!!
Happy, happy, happy birthday Hood #1!!! I wish I could come read Shakespeare and blow bubbles and eat Hawaiian pizza (my favourite!) with you. I hope this year is the best one yet! Much love!!
Hi L – again! Yup we actually have a long weekend and I think a lot of reading and eating of pizza will ensue!!! lots of love to you!!!