Sunday Snippet: Simon Peter a GiveAway…

We all remember Simon Peter as the disciple the denied knowing Jesus, not once, not twice but three times before the cock crowed on the morning that Jesus was crucified. And we take a bit of pleasure in the knowledge that the disciples weren’t perfect – just as we never will be!!! But Simon Peter was so much more… and his life literally demonstrates the transformation from lowly fisherman to a great preacher for Jesus.


Now I am always looking for great books that my kids can use for Bible Study… and my older kids are a bit beyond blessed thoughts, coloring pages and word searches and the other available options for their age groups are all about “issues,” frankly I don’t really want them to be dwelling on the social problems of the world, some of them they haven’t encountered yet, when they could actually be reading and learning from the examples of one of the greatest disciples.

These books are fabulous for teens and tweens not to mention mother’s of a couple of kids (I loved them!). They would be fabulous for a teen Bible Study. The book are written in short sharp chapters, with boxes of info and snippets scattered throughout. Lots of goodies to refocus wandering minds!!! Each Chapter has a “Message for today” and a “Think Tank” with questions about the chapter to think about.

We have these two Day One Books by Helen Clark to GiveAway this week. Helen Clark has also written a previous GiveAway: Ruth: More than a Love Story… All from the

Day One Series: “Pocket Bible People.”

As usual I have to thank Christian Book Discounters who kindly supplied the books for this GiveAway…


The GiveAway works in the usual way, comment before the end of this coming Friday, 24 October 2009, and I will draw and publish the winner next week on Sunday! – I won’t respond to your comments as I do on our other posts because I don’t want to be included in our own giveaway.

Our GiveAway Books are open to everyone: If you have won a GiveAway before never fear – enter away. If you live on the far side of the world – enter away. Postage takes forever from here but eventually it should get to you!

15 Replies to “Sunday Snippet: Simon Peter a GiveAway…”

  1. I totally agree with you about the teen devotional books that seem to focus on ‘issues’. That’s not what I want for my teen girls, and it’s not what they want either. They like to study the Bible and get some ‘meat’. These books sound good.

  2. these sound fab – a great approach to keep tweens and teens reading the word of God and get them into a great lifestyle

  3. Oh, these look good! We’d love to win, especially if you don’t mind shipping internationally.

  4. Been looking for something that fits your description of this book. Thanks for the chance!

  5. Me too! Although new pics of your littlest hood are gift enough for me – adorable much? Not to mention the other seven…

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